Friday, November 25, 2011

Video: Black Friday Chaos:

You've probably heard about the woman who Pepper Sprayed other customers at a California Wal Mart.Then there is the police who has to user Stun Guns on shoppers in Alabama.  Some Black Friday incidents caught on video:

Even as political violence rocks Tahrir Square, epicenter of the Arab Spring, and the Occupy Wall Street movement struggles to retain its momentum, a decidedly lower-stakes variety of unrest has taken hold of average Americans. Call it the Doorbuster Revolution. Following a day of media-stoked hype over deeply discounted retail goods, unruly Black Friday shoppers have been pepper-sprayed at least twice, rioted over waffle irons, and now, as MSNBC reports, tased into submission. That is not to say that authorities have acted properly in every case. According to news accounts, for instance, off-duty police security personnel pepper-sprayed a crowd at a North Carolina Wal Mart because they mistakenly thought a fight had broken out. In another incident, a shopper sprayed fellow bargain-hunters in order to keep them away from her desired merch. In a viral video shot at a Wal Mart in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, there was no security in evidence as shoppers decimated the store’s supply of $2 waffle irons like a school of agitated piranha. Now, MSNBC is reporting that police tased a shopper, who was allegedly drunk, in an Alabama Wal Mart today:

Hat Tip

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