Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Best Editorial Page You Will Find

is Investor's Business Daily.  IBD publishes easy-to-read editorials that show the benefits of free markets and capitalism.  A sampling:

Inviting Espionage:  The administration is considering reviving a '90s-era nuclear scientist exchange program with China. Does no one in the White House remember how much damage the previous arrangement caused?

Religious Freedom:  As our nation celebrates Christmas, Christians in the nations we shed blood and treasure for to establish democracy face extinction. For Christians in Iraq and Afghanistan, it may be the last Christmas ever.

Press Freedom:  What's the oldest trick in the dictator's handbook? Why, to seize the newsprint. Fresh from a big electoral win, Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez has pulled that hoary stunt, topping even Hugo Chavez.

Regulation:  The EPA thinks it's worth spending billions of dollars each year to reduce already minuscule amounts of mercury in the outside air. So why is it trying to shove mercury-laced fluorescent bulbs into everyone's homes?

Green Policy:  A think tank crunches the subsidy and bailout dollars and puts the true cost of Government Motors' electric car at a cool quarter-million. And the few sold have been largely bought by the 1%.

War On Terror:  The 14 coordinated bombings that ravaged Baghdad on Thursday, killing dozens, only begins Iraq's post-U.S. nightmare. America's job was never finished.

Energy Policy:  Canada's prime minister restates that if there's no Keystone XL pipeline in the works, not to worry. Our northern ally will still be our friend as it sends its tar sands oil to Asian markets.

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