Friday, December 2, 2011

IBD Editorials:

IBD editorials is an outstanding opinion page exposing the virtues of Free Markets and Capitalism.  A sampling of the latest...

Environment:  Sunday will be the 2,232nd consecutive day that the U.S. has gone without being hit by a major hurricane. This is a big enough deal to be covered by the mainstream media. But of course it won't be.

Islamism:  The news from Cairo is bad. Early election returns point to a Parliament dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood and the even more extreme Salafis. It's time for a fast reset to realism.

Election '12:  President Obama jammed traffic in Manhattan on Tuesday. State business? No, he was raising campaign funds. It's just the latest example of his questionable strategy of running for re-election by taking from the public.

Scandal:  The Justice Department has sealed court records detailing the circumstances of a border patrol agent's murder by a Mexican drug cartel, including the fact U.S. agents were being hunted with U.S.-supplied weapons.

Taxes:  With unemployment chronically high, how does taxing more than a third of small-business income make sense? Politically, that's how. The Democrats' dead-on-arrival surtax is a campaign ploy, not a jobs strategy.

New Energy:  The latest salvo in the administration's war on energy may be new rules and permits to regulate a process to get oil and gas from porous rock, sacrificing jobs and economic growth while under review.

Energy Policy:  The same administration that says we can and should get oil from the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska is blocking a bridge needed to get it to market on environmental grounds.

Media Bias:  In the early days of the Gulf War, pundits marveled at the specter of Iraqi troops surrendering to journalists. Well, now it's even worse: Journalists are giving the Democratic Party its talking points.

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