Sunday, December 4, 2011

Saturday Night Live spoofs President Obama:

In a very cold opening Saturday Night Live spoofs President Obama.  He runs down a list of the most powerful people in America.  The President is #11.


Anonymous said...

The Obama skit was not mocking - on the contrary, it was a chance to mitigate Obama's legislative failures by implying that all of his intended "successes" were thwarted by Congress and the Supremes.

Anonymous said...

I thought the bit to be very weak and unfunny. There was a huge opportunity to have some legitimate jokes, but they still want to protect O. Go figure?

American said...

This is so bad. Tedious.

Anonymous said...

I think it pretty much spoofed everyone, including the general population.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't look like Obama, he doesn't talk like Obama, and most of all, the joke was just weak! Smells like SNL wants to say "See, we pick on Obama as well". Unfortunately, if you compare this skit to the other skits, even the infamous "Jack Squat" skit (which IMO was funny), you will see the lack of originality and spirit applied with this one.

Inquisitor said...

That guy makes a horrible Obama

Southern said...

I have a very good memory.
I can remember back when SNL was funny.

Always On Watch said...

Wow! This could well be an omen for November 2012.

Anonymous said...

About time.

Faggy McGoo said...

Nobody watches SNL anymore. They have become what they initially set out to Lampoon.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that was intended as a spoof. No stuttering, no Teleprompter and they split the difference between where the population would rank him (20+) and where he would likely rank himself (1). All in all I'd say SNL was doing him a favor, again.

Anonymous said...

"Spoofs" Obama?! The obvious intent here was to try and relieve him of any responsibility for the absolute disaster that the country and economy has become and to gain sympathy for him! He has taken a very bad situation and managed to make it incredibly worse, and now since this can no longer be denied, it has to be made out to be EVERYONE ELSE"S FAULT! How else could he gain re-election to continue the destruction of our country?

Anonymous said...

I guess this spoof was to insinuate the economy or anything else in the US is President Obama's fault. Sadly, untrue.

Anonymous said...

They didn't spoof or mock him, they followed his campaign plan, do nothing congress, nothing is my fault blah, blah. That's not mocking, that was a campaign add.

Anonymous said...


Was that long and tedious!

Got through half.

Anonymous said...

This doesn't spoof The One. It slams Congress and American culture, such as it is. Bambi is just a victim. BTW, his "legislation" was a budget that even his own side didn't vote for. He hasn't sent anything else. He just uses executive orders.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to watch this clip to see if in fact they actually used the skit to rip on Obama. No. They cannot bring themselves to make fun of the President. It is so tame and almost never happens at all. They are just too politically tied to Obama to criticize him in their humor. They have lost all credibility. We need a new show that has the guts to mock - yes mock - a President - even a liberal one. Too much to ask.

Anonymous said...

I just don't see how SNL is still on TV. Just not Funny. Even when they Mock Obama. Best way to watch SNL is when they have the 6-8 recaps at the end of the year. Don't have to waste hours watching and waiting for something to be funny.

Anonymous said...

Horrible impersonation. He could have spent 5 minutes trying to get that drugged out cadence full of ummm's and errr's and ahhh's down. Geez. And where was the teleprompter. Obummer is not that smart to get a live speech.

Anonymous said...

Not funny and crap impersonation. I expect no more from SNL.

Jay said...

It took 3 yrs for SNL to see this guy as I did in spring 08 when ask what he would do regarding soaring gas prices and he said we need to put more air in our tires...... That was it for me....this guy is not a disappointment he is exactly who I thought he was, the disappointment is how long it takes people to see the truth about people to see the obvious and how elections are treated as American Idol.

Donny Beans said...

spoofs ??

more like makes excuses for the President.

If only President Obama had more power, we'd all be better off....

Anonymous said...

painfully unfunny. it speaks volumes of the state of nbc programming quality that this show remains on the ai

Anonymous said...

Saturday live isn't funny. Hasn't been in a long time. Even with something as easy to make fun of as politics.

Anonymous said...

I guess he forgot his executive orders which override everything else. SNL trying to push the DNC talking points. Now thats sad,

Anonymous said...

Obama is quite easy to impersonate. Curiously, SNL chooses not to find somebody convincing. That's OK, though. With such weak jokes, who cares if the acting is poor? It's a shame liberals cannot laugh at themselves because there is a wealth of material provided by this administration. I miss the good old days when SNL was funny.

Anonymous said...

So this is attcking Obama how??
It just follows his re-election strategy of his "great" ideas being stifled by the Congress.
When in fact he has been a dismal failure,and we should thank Congress for attempting to stop him.If you really want to see the obstructionistd,try the Democratic Senate.They won't even write,or vote on anything the Congress writes.
Its the Obama plan,kill everything,do nothing,blame the Republicans...even when O cannot even get votes from his owm party.
Looks to me to be nothing more than more Obama butt kissing to me.Same old stuff from SNL.A good example why no one watches it anymore.

Jay said...

I would like to see property owners only have voting rights.Anyone who is a property owner has skin in the game.........stop all of this American Idol electing...

John Barleycorn said...

I didnt find it mocking so much as saying Obama is completely amazing and everything is out of his control. It was a pathetic attempt to cover for him.

Confused said...

That was suppose to be funny?

MathMom said...

This guy doesn't even try to sound like Obama.

Anonymous said...

Typical SNL softball at Obama. This isn't a spoof, it's an apology.

Anonymous said...

What a joker. Betcha Biden DOES write his best lines. C'mon America, we can do better, much better, in 2012.

Anonymous said...


SEIU 150%
AFL/CIO 200%
(ballots arrive to late to qualify)

*obama runs unopposed in 7 of the 57 States

Kirk Hawley said...

Make me watch the ad, then the video is unavailable. Nice.

Anonymous said...

This comedian may be the only guy in America tanking worse than the guy he was trying to parody. His audience was about as dispirited as one of Obama's

Anonymous said...

Thats not funny and it was made to make you feel sorry for him. (NBC)Who is the guy trying to do him? He sucks. He looks, acts and sounds nothing like him.

kacisptx said...

This guy does a terrible impersonation of Obama... doesn't sound at all like him or have his mannerisms down.

Anonymous said...

Did you actually watch this so-called spoof? It was not a bit funny... listen to all the loud laughing (sarc) to confirm that one.
This was a liberal shot at Congress and Norquist and others for not kissing Obama's buttocks and approving all his ideas.
So, unless your IQ is down around 65, like most liberals, you are wrong about what this crappy skit was all about.... pushing the liberal line out to the gerbils in the audience.

Taylor said...

This can't be President Obama. He only said, "uh," once.

Anonymous said...

Spoofs Obama? Not really. I remember when SNL was fearless in its parodies of politicians. They've done nothing of the sort with Obama. Quite revealing of the cast's political loyalties and lack of balls. They DESTROYED Bush and Clinton. Why not this moron?

Anonymous said...

That skit is as boring as the real thing....Yawn.

Anonymous said...

Pitiful...Not a spoof of Obama. Not winy enough. Not pompous enough and the list could go on. To be a spoof of a person, needs to take their most glaring characteristics and play them up. This is a political ally "spoofying" their guy!

Anonymous said...

it's not cold, it's just boring.

Anonymous said...

Have not watched SNL for years. Now I am reminded why. Good Lord, that was a horrible opening. Are they all that bad?

PAM T said...

Spoof was excellent! O. Just below Pippa Middleton in pop.

Osteoblast said...

Like the administration they are spoofing, the humor escapes me completely. The guy playing the President doesn't even pretend to imitate our fearless leader, and the writing is embarrassingly an anti-joke. The shark has been jumped.

dan said...

This is actually quite generous. SNL would have enough material for 30 years if they wanted to goof on Barack. He is the worst President to date, and his level of socialism, corruption, and lies won't be surpassed by anyone in the future. If you disagree that just means you're not paying attention.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable! Lib artists rarely mock their own, only conservatives. They must be worried.

HippieCrusher said...

Pffft... Is this supposed to be funny? Seems I haven't missed much since I stopped watching SQL 20 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Unreal. Lib artists almost never mock one of their own, that's why this is newsworthy. He's not doing a good job folks.

Joe said...

This is more of a satirical attack on the Republican opposition to Obama in congress. The narrative is that Obama is trying to fix America while a do-nothing congress stands in his way. This is the Obama campaign's exact message. The left is very upset that the Republicans had taken the House, and Obama and the Democrats can no longer pass their laws and agenda at will. The left seems to prefer dictatorship over democracy. For years, Obama had control of the House and Senate and made America's problems worse, but now the narrative is that America's problems are due to the opposition to Obama in congress. The media are rewriting history, dismissing the fact that Obama had control of congress and made things worse. The Republicans better counter this dishonest narrative because it is coming from both the news and entertainment media, which are controlled by partisan Democrats.

Jerry Frey said...

Decide for yourself.

Anonymous said...

By Barak.

Anonymous said...

I cannot think of a more fitting metaphor of the Democrat Party than a bunch of mooching, dirty, perverted, uncouth, unwashed socialist wasteoids calling for the end of capitalism and blaming their ills on those who actually create wealth. It is truly fitting that Obama and the Democrats hitched their wagons to their true constituents in the Occupy Bowel movement. Both groups are thuggish moochers feeding off the sweat of the American earner.

TNSteve said...

Funny, but not true. Obama controls the czars who control the departments,(EPA,Energy,Education, etc.) and issue thousands of regulations, he issues executive orders that go around the do nothing Congress, stops pipelines and thousands of related jobs that could bring 700,000 barrels of oil a DAY to the US, stops deportation of 400,000 plus illegals, as long as they are not current felons,(Going around Congress's rejection of the DREAM ACT), he controls the troops, war and foreign relations, and many other things. He is running on a do nothing Congress, which this skit helped to advertise for him. He has had the FED print trillions of dollars which has devalued our dollar 20% and more in the future,ignore established law throwing out CEO's and taking over GM and others and decided which banks and businesses will survive with tax payer money, etc. etc. ..

Anonymous said...

Tried to watch this on your website and was not able to . Went over to NBC'S SNL site to watch the video and the clip is unavailable. Has anyone been able to watch this clip or has NBC pulled it?

ArticSlayer said...

hmmm I don't think they are mocking him!!! It's the truth! I stopped watching snl almost 20 years ago because of their biASSed so called comedy. Don't have any desire to ever watch the crap again... Saturday Night Loosers

Screwy Puppy said...

The most surprising thing about the opening skit is it was funny!

photobill said...

This 'skit' is one of the reasons SNL is no longer thought of as being on the cutting edge or being funny! First, it sounded more like a campaign add that is attempting to bolster Obama 's abysmal job record. Secondly, the attempt to 'sound like' Obama is even more disastrous than Obama's attempt to be presidential.

SNL make-up artists might have done a great job at making him look like Obama ...but a third grader could have delivered those 'Obama' lines better than this lousy "actor". His delivery and speech inflection doesn't sounds anything like Obama's stilted and hesitation filled rhetoric.

photobill said...

This 'skit' is one of the reasons SNL is no longer thought of as being on the cutting edge or being funny! First, it sounded more like a campaign add that is attempting to bolster Obama 's abysmal job record. Secondly, the attempt to 'sound like' Obama is even more disastrous than Obama's attempt to be presidential.

SNL make-up artists might have done a great job at making him look like Obama ...but a third grader could have delivered those 'Obama' lines better than this lousy "actor". His delivery and speech inflection doesn't sounds anything like Obama's stilted and hesitation filled rhetoric.

Anonymous said...

I can't remember the last time CNL was funny. Wasn't it like, back in the '70's?
Have they ever made obama the lawless look bad like they skewed Bush?
Sorry, I don't see this as a spoof. A "slight" take on the fact that the president of the USA is way down as far as influential people go. I don't know, maybe they're just making him clueless about the fact he's destroying the country or something? No matter, it's still not funny.
SNL reminds me of MASH and All in the Family. They should have killed those shows off LONG before they finally did, they let them wither on the vine, being non-funny for years. They need to do the same with SNL, just kill it already.

Anonymous said...

like the POTUS, not funny at all.

Anonymous said...

SNL die already. Not funny.

Anonymous said...

It is sarcasm, but sympathetic sarcasm. It's obvious the SNL folks like O. It's not the snarky bile they spew towards conservatives.

Anonymous said...

They should have burned an effigy of Barry O. Now that would be entertainment!

Anonymous said...

Ohh my... SNL still sucks. I could have written something better. You'd get more views to the SNL FINAL EPISODE. Get it on NBC.

Anonymous said...

Here's a Deep Thought:

Obama is a marxist _ _ _ clown.

On the outside he is handsome,
clean and articulate.
But on the inside he is
Very Very sad.

Also ...
He has severe diarrhea.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was "Allen Gregory" bad. Not a single laugh and any white guy could do a better Ofailure than this idiot.

I learned one thing: SNL is still on the air. Why, I can't imagine.

Anonymous said...

The skit was pathetic, no doubt to the current SNL lineup. Dan Akroyd would make a better Obama, regardless of skin color.

The premise of the skit should have been Hussein Obama playing golf. The socialist spends more time on the green than in the White House but that could be a good thing.... Less damage to the country.

Anonymous said...

this isn't a spoof - it's typical liberal finger pointing at republicans for obama's failures. aside from general non-action obama has continued bushes legacy of wasteful war spending, renewing the patriot act and sending the economy into a death spiral. if he has any shred of concern for the american people he will veto the National Defense Authorization Act... but he won't as he is clearly hell bent on destroying america, blaming the republicans every step of the way. this republican penned bill fits his agenda so well, and he will always be able to go back and call it a republican bill.

Anonymous said...

Let's see...yep, nary a chuckle.

Anonymous said...

Funny? Their paychecks should bounce.

Anonymous said...

President Obama has given himself the power to murder America citizens by executive decree.
The Congress has just passed a bill giving the government the power to detain American citizens indefinitely without trial.
Who knew Kafka's "The Trial" was set in America?
There is nothing humorous about any of this. In fact, I find it disgusting that SNL is trying to impart this "poor little" Obama narrative. This is just a veiled attempt to explain away Obama not delivering on any of the populist rhetoric he used to get elected.

Anonymous said...

That was boring, not funny and didn't mock the president at all. Just more excuses and bad comedy from SNL. What a waste of 5 minutes.

Flayer said...

Not funny. I wasted 5 minutes. Obama isn't funny, he's a daily reminder of a very low point in our country's history.

Anonymous said...

That was hardly a mocking of Obama. Lame.

Anonymous said...

Wow that was awful. I do a better Obama than that.

Yawn said...

When was the funny part?

Also, terrible voice.

Anonymous said...

Great to see some liberals coming to their senses!! Thanks for putting this out for others to see.

Chase Roper said...

Why did link here rather than Blogs aren't news sources.

Anonymous said...

how dare anyone make fun of the "annointed one, the messiah." LOL

Anonymous said...

Campaign ad. Not Drudgeworthy.

Anonymous said...

Its time to occupy the left wing media.. Spring 2012

Anonymous said...

If they really did spoof Obama(tele prompters,fast and furious, ows, space program, Michelle, unemployment, van jones, economy, the looks of dem appointees, him blaming bush, vacations etc etc) their careers would have been toast...Big-Brother does not mock Big-Brother

Anonymous said...

"The Obama skit was not mocking - on the contrary, it was a chance to mitigate Obama's legislative failures by implying that all of his intended "successes" were thwarted by Congress and the Supremes." This first comment was the best. I watched it live because I was at work and nothing else to watch. They had a good chance to tell the truth and of course they failed. But what would you expect from the MSNBC network.

Anonymous said...

Even lame attempts like this will piss of the commies and make them squeal 'raaaaaaaaaaaacists'.

Anonymous said...

Usually Fred does a great Obama; it's only when they 'semi' make fun of him that he doesn't even try.
This show has truly hit rock bottom and will do anything it can to support the Left.
Shame, because there's plenty of ammo on both sides of the aisle.

Lazybum said...

Not mocking was correct. It was like he gave a speech, but excluded the teleprompter.

One thing Obama, the skit and SNL have in common: Nothing funny about any of them.

Anonymous said...

Wake me when it's time to laugh.

Anonymous said...

The SNL Obama skits are not funny because they protect him rather than do satire. They want to say they do Obama skits, but won't do anything that really makes him look bad, yet that is what is funny, and that is what they do with other presidents, at least Republicans. Imagine if they had him stumbling as the teleprompter got went too fast, or that he told us about the 57 states (which he did), or if they showed him bowing before a Saudi king, and revealing the sign on his butt that said "kick me," treating just as they should, doing real satire. No, they take the gloves off for fear of offending him. Pitiful, and worse, not funny.

Anonymous said...

SNL is so lame and pro Obama its unfunny to watch. NBC is the propaganda arm of the Obama presidency it cheerleads for him and covers for him . This is a very unfunny PRO OBAMA skit. SNL used to be funny when it attacked all sides fairly . This skit is so lame. At least when Clinton was in trouble SNL was all over it with hilarious non partisan skits. These skits remind me of communist China where the Party would put on shows glorifying Moa. NBC is the Barack Praise Network. To call this a putdown or rebuke of Obama is a joke itself. They might fool the feifdom of hardcore Obama enablers, but mainstream America knows NBC , Hollywood, the Colleges, and the media will be out cheerleading en mass for Obama again.

Anonymous said...

Could not watch more than 50 seconds...pitiful.

Ruth Andre said...

This guy could not even get Obama's annoying speech pattern down. This is a joke on SNL.

Anonymous said...

Mocking? Maybe as usual the Republicans in Congress. The only funny part was the Verizon Customer Serv. being more powerful than Obama. They can't mock him when they are still falling for his...

Anonymous said...

This guy doesn't even sound like 0bama. He doesn't whine while simultaneously scolding people. I agree that this was meant to show it's not his fault he can't get anything done. It's Congress'. That was the whole point of the skit.

What a loser you all voted for!

IHOM said... <--- on my blog I say what people are thinking but not saying about UC Davis pepper spray incident.

Anonymous said...

SNL is painful to watch and has not been funny wharsoever in 2 decades. SNL is in bed with this administration and most americans see it for what it is...NOT Funny.

Anonymous said...

I had intended to watch SNL last night for the first time in many years, but I forgot and missed it. Now I am thankful that I did. That did not mock Obama. On the contrary, it supported his claims that he is powerless and can't get anything done. Which is a ruse... a lie.... the man and his cabinet members have been busy bypassing Congress to make radical changes to regulations.

onelowprice said...

Lame. The actor did his best NOT to sound or act like Obama. SNL and the mainstream in general is no better than the old soviet state broadcasting, always playing up whatever dictator was in power. Now in the U.S. we see smiling faces and a modern approach, but the intention is the same.

Anonymous said...


Dave Mc said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

6 Comments On This Skit
1. Does Not mock Obama
2. Blames Congress for His failures
3. Has plenty of canned laughs
4. Terrible impersonation
5. Not original
6. Just like the rest of SNL: Not funny since Mike Meyers left 20 or so years ago.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to disagree, but this simply was a skit that redirects Obama's failings as a leader to every other entity on the list. There's SNL, still providing cover for Obama. Weak. No wonder I didn't watch it last night.

Dave Mc said...

SNL can't do a real spoof on B.O. they can't even do a real parody of the man, his mannerism's, the cadence of his speech, or any of the properties that make impersonation worth watching. The reason is they can not take the chance of offending B.O. or anyone that reveres the man therefore the rule is: you may ridicule, mock and humiliate anyone you so desire as long as they are on the other side of our political affiliation.

SNL: subject to their own Political Correct ideals for better or for worse.

Dave Mc said...

It wasn't mocking so much as it was an attempt to carry some water for B.O. Cut away that lame attempt to provide cover for B.O. and the fact remains, our president has no influence and even less relevance

Well, that is no one's fault but the president's and the fact B.O. doesn't get that underscores the reason he is in the condition he is in. He really thought his agenda was going to be handed to him on a silver platter just like the election that gave him access to the White House – and how naive was that? What made this guy think he could come from no where having done nothing and be able to take on the most important office and the most complex job on the planet?

Poor Baby, he really doesn't have a clue and he's all out of shuck and jive, cause too many Americans are wise to this guy’s lies.

Anonymous said...

We don't need SNL to spoof Obama. Each day when we turn on the TV we see wall to wall coverage by the major news outlets trying to spin his failures as blame to someone else. Of course, this nappy headed, big eared, purple lipped nit-wit is fairly funny looking.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that when Congress was run by the Democrats and George Bush was in power, the country was run solely by the President. Now apparently the country is run by Congress.

Anonymous said...

Goes over so many people's heads. That's the real tragedy. Fred normally does a great impression of Obama. He's simply making a statement by doing a poor impression, and everybody just says 'ah terrible impression'. The comment section of every website which has one has beed overrun by narrow minded morons. The kind of people that think 'common' sense is the pillar of intelligence.

MickeyLee said...

So, Obama's inability to get anything done is because all of these groups and people with more power than him. Poor Obama, none of these things are his fault. Too bad he is not 'all powerful' like George Bush -- everything before and after 2008 was his fault.
Total lack of leadership -- it ain't funny, it's sad.