Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Best Editorial Page out there is

Investor's Business Daily.  IBD publishes easy-to-read editorials that show the benefits of free markets and capitalism.  A sampling:
Taxes If President Obama wants to create a fairer country, shouldn't he start by fairly portraying our tax code? Instead, he used his State of the Union speech to peddle a number of blatant tax falsehoods. 
GOP Response:  President Obama's State of the Union was notable for what it left out, such as candid talk about out-of-control spending and the national debt. Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels filled those gaps. 
Hypocrisy:  As the great investor's secretary sat with the first lady at the State of the Union, the president spoke of economic "fairness." Is it fair to make a supporter wealthier at the expense of the American people? 
Diplomacy President Obama earlier this year hailed a new era of energy cooperation with Brazil, vowing to make America Brazil's best customer. Brazil's response? To sell its oil to China. So much for the "reset" in relations.
Election '12 In a scandal reeking of electoral fraud, a Democrat-linked political hack was arrested Friday for identity theft in an apparent bid to defame and replace Iowa's GOP secretary of state. How far up does this go? 
Blame Game News reports about a December 2008 White House stimulus memo claim it proves the stimulus was too small. What it really does is expose how Obama has misled the country about his economic policies.
Leadership If State of the Union speech leaks are any indication, the president wants his re-election campaign to be about fairness. But why should anyone believe him, since his own policies have made America much less fair? 
Congress The last time the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate passed a budget was April 29, 2009 — 1,000 days ago. It's no mystery why: They don't want taxpayers to know about the trillions they're wasting.

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