Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fox News Celebrates 10 Years at Number1! State Controlled Media continues to lag!

Congratulations to Fox News which has been the Number 1 Cable TV News network now for 10 straight years - all the way back to January 2002.  Fox owes its success to its "Fair and Balanced" coverage, which contrasts with most of the other networks.

Fox News Channel has long surpassed its rivals in the cable news business and now it has an official round number to point to: Fox News has been No. 1 for a full decade.The network, which at first had to pay cable systems for distribution, unlocked a formula that reached out to viewers who believed the established television news media tilted left, and offered a different view.CNN had been dominant in cable television news since its own founding in 1980, but for most of its existence it held the field of cable news to itself, until the start-ups of Fox News and MSNBC in the late 1990’s.Fox News’s first full year was 1997. It took only five years for it to build more viewers than CNN. It topped CNN for the first time in January 2002.
Read the rest of the story here.

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