Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Red States vs. Blue States:

Turns out the Red States that voted for John McCain are doing much better, in nearly all categories, than the Blue States that voted for Barack Obama for President.  Not too surprising, which state is doing better, Texas or California?  Georgia or Illinois?  North Dakota or Oregon?  Utah or Nevada?

Turns out there is a much friendlier business climate, lower taxes and more that make the Red States do much better.  And the Red States are growing, picking up a net Six Electoral Votes since the 2008 election!

Hat Tip to  This site should be required reading!
Barack Obama entered the national spotlight with a rousing 2004 Democratic convention speech that talked about how it was wrong "to slice and dice our country into red states and blue states." Last week he reiterated the point in a tweet to his Twitter followers, saying that "there are no red states or blue states, just the United States."
But when it comes to the economic recovery, there has been a clear difference. It turns out that blue states have done worse economically than have red states under President Obama, according to an IBD analysis of various government economic data.
IBD compared average job growth, unemployment, changes in housing prices, per capita income and GDP growth, and gas prices for the 22 states that voted for John McCain in 2008 and the 28 states that voted for Obama . On every indicator but one, blue states have done worse, on average, than red states.

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