Friday, June 1, 2012

The Best Editorial Page You Will Likely Find

is Investors Business Daily. IBD published easy-to-read editorials that show the benefits of Free Markets and Capitalism. A sample:

Economy:  President Obama has been on the job for nearly three and a half years, but the White House says bad news on jobs is George W. Bush's fault. Time to own up to your own record, Mr. President.

Fixing Elections:  Washington has ordered Florida to end its effort to remove ineligible voters from the state's voter rolls. This is breathtaking. It couldn't be clearer that the government is actively promoting voter fraud.

Finance:  Governments in the U.S. and Europe are forcing private banks to buy up government debts — debts that may turn sour down the road, decimating banks' balance sheets. This is a recipe for another financial crisis.

Labor Vs. Taxpayers:  Public-sector unions have had it their way for decades. That will change — and not just in one state — if Scott Walker survives Tuesday's recall vote.

Industrial Policy:  At the NATO Summit, President Obama said his opponent's private equity success vs. the administration's failed industrial policy was what this election was all about. Speaking at the bankrupt Solyndra headquarters, his GOP opponent agreed.

Leadership:  The perils of reading scripts written by hacks from teleprompters were shown by a president who has a habit of insulting and betraying allies. He has succeeded in making his vice president look eloquent.  Maybe President Obama was just tired from campaigning for re-election in all 57 states where he said he campaigned in 2008. But on Tuesday, while presenting World War II Polish resistance hero Jan Karski with a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest American honor that can be given a civilian, he made a reference to "Polish death camps."

Economics:  Canada had developed a well-earned reputation as a welfare state. But a new understanding has taken root north of the border, and Canadians have pursued some policies the U.S. should also follow.

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