Wednesday, July 18, 2012

FULL VIDEO: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Entire Press Conference

Full Video of the Press Conference held by Sheriff Joe Arpaio on July 17th discussing the results of the investigation over President Obama's Birth Certificate:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference FULL VIDEO 7.17.12


BC said...

A place just for conservative bloggers to BS

Montana said...

Hey maybe Republican Randi Shannon from Iowa can take Joe Arpaio and Willard Mitt Romney with her to her BS “Republic for the United States” what a real traitor.

Wow, what a surprise, little joe found exactly what he suspected. They are just repeating what other small minded fools have said before, so safe to say no evidence that would stand up in a court of law in the United States. Its upon you to prove to us that what you are saying is true. Take it to court you coward!

Let me be clear none of these Birther dullards have taken there “Birther Documents of facts, more like lies” and none have won a case in the “U.S. Courts”, maybe in their simple minds (if they have any) but not in our “U.S. Courts”, so unless Birthers/ teabaggers, whatever you want to be called, win a court case, we will continue to see as dullards, liars or racist or maybe all three. Deal with the real truth baby!

Anonymous said...

All the facts and evidence in the world will never make the liberal establishment complex, confront the truth, for they and their mission is to keep and protect their established person of power, ie; Obama, in power.

And the historical tactic and strategy of any despotic apparatus complex is to destroy any information, factual or otherwise, aka the truth, from exposing the person or persons in power from such factual exposure of the truth.

How do they do this, by attempt to discredit, dismiss, destroy the messenger of the factual evidence and truth, via radical far left Alinsky-ite methods of personal attacks of denigration, mockery, ridicule, intimidation, harassment, diversional issues, vitriolic insults, even physical violence, etc., whatever means necessary.

The far left complex apparatus to protect their leader in power at all costs from the exposure of the truth are classic actions base on and upon fear of losing their power and control which then prevent and stop any further progress of their liberal agenda.

Not to say that this evidence of facts would actually do that, but could very well do just that, and that is something they cannot allow, thus this is their basis for all they say, do and act..

This is historically evident as documented all throughout history by dictators, tyrants, despots, rulers of all sorts, particularly rulers of late like Hitler, Hirohito, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Ill, Ahmededjad, etc etc.

In other words, they cannot allow the truth to come out, and will use any and all means necessary to prevent it. What else is new. This is the story of corruption and evil since the beginning of civilized man.

Montana said...

Facts are proven in court, so takes these lies to court and we will both see what they real are, oh I'm sorry all other court cases have likethe "W"/ Cheney Administration failed. Suck on that!

Anonymous said...

It has been a week since the Sheriff’s press conference, and nothing has happened. NOTHING. Nothing at all.

No member of Congress (and there are 535 of them) has called for an investigation. Not even Rush Limbaugh wants to discuss it. John McCain, who is one of the Senators of Arizona as well as being the former Republican candidate for president, has recently called the Sheriff crazy. The CONSERVATIVE secretary of state of Arizona, who accepted Hawaii’s confirmation of the birth certificate and put Obama on the ballot has not reversed himself and taken Obama off of the ballot.

Could the explanation for all this be that the whole world is part of the plot? Or, more likely, is it that they believe the birth certificate, and the officials in Hawaii, and the Index Data, and the birth notices in the Health Bureau Statistics section of the newspapers——and they do not believe the sheriff.

They have good reason not to believe the sheriff: