Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Laugh or Cry? Clueless Beach-goers don't know why we celebrate the 4th of July

Actually Independence Day is the name of the holiday!; Watch Mark Dice interview beach goers in San Diego who literally have no idea what we are celebrating on the 4th of July.  Don't know if we should laugh or cry!
Americans don't know why we celebrate 4th of July


Anonymous said...

Well, isn't that special. So many dorks embarassing themselves in public. You would have gotten an earful if you had tried to spread that misinformation to a fervent TeaPartier.
There is a reason why the schools don't teach American History anynore. Obama wants everyone to be hynotized and glamored by his tale of endless, powerful, and never-endinggovernment, so that we forget what our forefathers fought to guarantee us as the ultimate right. The Right to be left alone. The Right not to be a cog in the wheel. The Right to make a free choice.

Jonathan said...

Well, isn't that special. So many dorks embarassing themselves in public. You would have gotten an earful if you had tried to spread that misinformation to a fervent TeaPartier.
There is a reason why the schools don't teach American History anynore. Obama wants everyone to be hynotized and glamored by his tale of endless, powerful, and never-ending government, so that we forget what our forefathers fought to guarantee us as the ultimate right. The Right to be left alone. The Right not to be a cog in the wheel. The Right to make a free choice.

Toejam said...

Damn, I didn't see Snooky in her bikini!