Friday, July 20, 2012

The Massacre at The Movie Theater

Today as you know there was a terrible shooting at a Movie Theater in Aurora, Colorado during a midnight showing of the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight".  At least 12 people died and over 70 were shot.  Today is not a day for politics - on that note we bring you President Obama's and Mitt Romney's reaction to the shooting:  The Massacre at The Movie Theater

President Obama Speaks on the Shootings in Aurora, Colorado

Mitt Romney Addresses Tragic Colorado Movie Theater Shooting

1 comment:

TeaPartyReaganConservative said...

In the wake of this movie house massacre by a deranged individual, just like the Tucson Az massacre shooting, the far left media complex of course attacks and targets, thus blames the Tea Party / Reagan Constitutional Conservatives and Republicans for all of it, regardless of the facts and truth that it is a lie.

We are, and will always be the target of the far left anti-American media complex to be used as a point of focus, aka a villain. Hitler used the very same tactic against the Jews as a scapegoat.

This is their goal to destroy us, freedom, and liberty in an open democratic society. These anti-American liberal statist propagandist puppets are in every area and avenue of the media complex, whom have forsaken any sense of established journalistic integrity that they might have even ever remotely had at one point in time, if they even had any at all to begin with.

This is all for the public to make them perceive the lie as the truth, to make the public their willing accomplice.

But in a free democratic society, there comes a point in time where the public is either aware of, acknowledges, and understands the truth after countless examples of liberal media biased lies and propagandist attempts to paint the peaceful Tea Party people and movement as something they're not, ie; racist and violent.. Along with over a year of exact opposite examples of violence, anarchy, rapes, assaults, rioting, and property destruction riots from and by the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd.