Thursday, August 2, 2012

All Time Daily Sales Record! Customers wait for hours to- just enter Chick-fil A during CFA Appreciation Day!

What boycott?  Across the country customers waited for hours to enter a local Chi-fil A on Chick-fil A appreciation Day.  Initiated by Mike Huckabee this spontaneous celebration of an American Institution was hugely successful, in fact the owner reported that by 6PM they had set an All Time Sales Record.  The story by Big Government is awesome!
Cape Coral, Florida:
Can't forget Chicago, where Mayor Rahm Emanuel says that Chick-Fil-A doesn't have "Chicago values," which are this and this:
I participated by visiting a local Chick-Fil-A, and the line wound around the store and nearly out to the busy street. Chick-Fil-A's parking lot, as well as the parking lot of the entire strip mall with which it shared a lot, was full of patrons' cars. The manager stood inside at the door, cheerfully organizing customers into two lines once they made it through the entry. When Chick-Fil-A staff filled an order, they shouted the customers' names, and the customers amplified by repeating it with a smile. Everyone was in awe of each other for packing the place to capacity and beyond. People took photos on their phones. An elderly woman was escorted to a seat near us. 
"This is good to see," she said, leaning back in her chair.
It is good to see that so many Americans recognize a threat to free speech when they see it. Because Dan Cathy reaffirmed his Biblical principles (are people really shocked that a business which closes Sundays has Christian owners?) and stated that he opposed same sex marriage, he has been castigated in the media and by the left. The threats of a boycott turned into a full assault on Cathy's First Amendment rights with mayors and councilmen across the country threatening to ban Chick-Fil-A restaurants from opening in their cities. Why? Because of Cathy's beliefs.
Chick-Fil-A doesn't discriminate in hiring or serving customers. Some progressives claim that Chick-Fil-A has donated to a group who once clashed with legislative action to condemn Uganda's ban on homosexuality, claiming that patrons of Chick-Fil-A support "killing gays." This from people who vote for an administration that entertains the Muslim Brotherhood and endorses their presidential candidates--talk about supporting "killing gays." This is the same left that buys oil and gas from countries whose religious leadership put videos online discussing actually "killing gays." So buying gas means you're killing gays, and I assume all the progressives making this argument are driving fully electric cars and not purchasing anything which relied upon gas or oil for its manufacture, transportation, or power. 
Gov Mike Huckabee basks in success of Chick -fil-A Appreciation Day:


Modern Day Redneck said...

It was good to be a part of this great cause.

christian soldier said...

FOUND one -10 miles away- but- who's counting!
Went tonight- Thurs- still lines-

For FREEDOM!!! : - )