Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mitt Romney's Meet The Press Interview:

MSNBC's David Gregory interviews Mitt and Ann Romney on today's installment of Meet The Press:

Mitt Romney Meet The Press Interview

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christian soldier said...

Mitt also stated that he would move to leave "some" of the Fed Govt. Health Care Legislation in play---


What other Fed 'govt' "help" does he want to leave in place ...
Fed Govt. Help= welfare- tax payer (my and your $$$$$) funding---

TeaPartyReaganConservative said...

Romney is basically a man with no specific plan, only vague objectives. The United States of America, Domestically and Internationally, is not the State of Mass.., nor is it the State of impromptu policy.

Romney is no Ronald Reagan, let alone a conservative. Romney is a standard GOP establishment progressive RINO, like Bush, Boehner, McConnell, Rove, etc, etc..

In fact, Romney has publically stated as such- that he refutes Reagan and Reaganomic policies, which not only worked, but saved this great nation in the 1980's from sure economic, political, and social disaster.

Romney's past as Gov of Mass., reflects what Romney will be in the future as President, as he has never veered away from what he was and what he is now. He is a liberal progressive GOP RINO. Thus he has never shown any ability, willingness, or propensity whatsoever to be either conservative in thought, policy, or action, ever.

And as a Conservative, let alone as a Republican RINO, how does one defend a Ted Kennedy collaborated forced mandated substandard inferior State Socialized Medicine that bankrupts the residents, citizens, and Independent businesses and companies in the Free Market Capitalist Free Enterprise system of a State, let alone the Nation, but then turns around and argues that he must repeal Obamacare, the very same thing he implemented and refuses to refute and repeal in his own State called Romneycare.

And people actually buy this BS horse manure and actually believe everything and anything Romney shovels them.. It’s no wonder why Obama was elected in the first place.

The Truth speaks for itself, and all the Romney GOP Progressive Republican RINO propaganda and delusional denial by all the progressive RINO Romney-ites in the world cannot hide it, let alone makes taste any better.

During the Primaries, we Reagan Tea party Conservatives warned the voters about Romney's progressive GOP establishment RINOism, which his record as Mass Gov proves.

Thus the most egregious of what we warned the primary voters of Romney about, is now coming to fruition.

Article- "Romney: I'll Keep Parts of Obamacare"
NewsMax - Sunday, 09 Sep 2012


"Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who has called for scrapping President Barack Obama's 2010 U.S. healthcare law, said in remarks aired on Sunday that he likes key parts of "Obamacare" despite his party's loathing of it and wants to retain them.

Romney, who faces Obama in the Nov. 6 election, has vowed throughout the campaign to repeal and replace the Obama healthcare law. But asked about the Obama healthcare law on NBC's "Meet the Press" program, Romney said, "Well, I'm not getting rid of all of healthcare reform." unquote

The Primary GOP base Republican voters were and are way too naïve, and or just too blind to see, let alone acknowledge the truth about the liberal progressive RINOs and their RINOism that has all but turned Republican politicians like Romney and Boehner into liberal Democrats, against We the People.

This is the last straw for us Reagan Tea Party Conservatives. I will be writing in a candidate.