Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Best Editorial Page You Will Find Is...

easily Investor's Business Daily.  IBD publishes easy-to-read editorials that highlight the virtues of Free Markets and Capitalism.

Leadership:  President Obama may hope that by recruiting Bill Clinton as campaign cheerleader he can wrap himself in Clinton's economic record. But Obama just exposes how far he's moved away from Clinton's policies.

American Decline:  The U.S. falls even deeper in the global competitiveness rankings. How does this keep happening? Ask the president.

Charlotte:  A video shown at the Democratic National Convention proclaims "government is the only thing we all belong to." No wonder the Dem platform, like our president, doesn't mention our rights come from our Creator.

Economy:  As the old saying goes, when America sneezes, the rest of the world catches cold. Don't look now, but the world's manufacturers seem to be coming down with pneumonia.

Mideast:  The White House insists "cooperation with Israel has never been closer" and there's "no daylight" between the U.S. and Israel on Iran's nuclear program. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Housing Crisis:  Previously unpublished court documents reveal that as a young lawyer from Chicago, President Obama's lawsuit against big banks started inflating the housing bubble that created the mess he says he inherited.

Why President Obama Hates America:  Now that a documentary warning that a re-elected Barack Obama would turn America into a Third World country is a box-office hit, the president's media surrogates are trying to discredit it. The film, aptly named "2016," documents how Obama's Kenyan father had a greater influence on him than the public has been told. In fact, he shaped the president's intellectual development and world view.

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