Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Best Editorial Page you will find is...

Investor's Business Daily.  IBD prints easy-to-read but hard hitting editorials that show the obvious benefits of Free Markets and Capitalism.  A sampling:

Journalism:  The big media haven't exactly distinguished themselves with their lazy, biased coverage of President Obama. So it's nice to see a media outlet that asks tough questions and informs its viewers. Univision, take a bow.

Economy:  How can the next presidential get the American job machine functioning again? One way is establish a policy environment that incentivizes business startups, which have fallen hard under the current administration.

Free Speech:  The French are notorious for confused views of liberty. But it defies logic to import millions of Muslims, then permit anti-Mohammad cartoons, then not allow protests against them.

The Presidency Last week, the Obama campaign started selling a refashioned American flag with its logo replacing the stars, and then urged Americans to pledge allegiance to Barack. Did we just wake up in Mao's China?

Environment:  For many across the U.S., it was a cruel, cruel summer. Al Gore said listening to the news was like "taking a nature hike through the book of Revelation." But how does he explain record sea ice in the Antarctic?

Election 2012 Hell breaks loose all over the world, the economy stinks, and we're going broke. But the president parties, yuks it up with Letterman and skips intelligence briefings. All the while, the press sees no evil.

Scandal:  The report our attorney general used to justify withholding evidence of who was responsible for the administration program that led to the deaths of two U.S. agents is out. It delivers more scapegoats than answers.