Sunday, September 30, 2012

Univision Video: Fast and Furious Scandal

Univision explores how US Weapons, given to Mexican Drug Cartels have now been traced to
numerous murders in Mexico via the gunrunning program known as "Fast and Furious"

Fast and Furious Scandal: New Details Emerge on How the U.S. Government Armed Mexican Drug Cartels


Arthur Isaac said...

They weren't trying to bust the cartels. They were trying to bust the gun industry. Hillary Clinton was arguing before day one about how we needed to curtail gun rights in the U.S. to stop the carnage in Mexico. How about this Obama administration? How about you stop giving weapons to murderers and creating a blood-bath to further your ideological ends?

Anonymous said...

wow, with this and the president's interview UNIVISION is finally growing up, 90 percent of its programming is sophomoric.

Anonymous said...

This is no big deal, a few lives lost is a small price to pay for the greater good of having a president that wants to fundamentally change the country. So holder didn't have a clue, so what, this is an admin that still thinks our embassies were attcked over a video.

Anonymous said...

This was all about imposing more gun control in the United States. Dear Leader Obama knew about this plan from the beginning when he mentioned the "Under The Radar" gun control measures he was engaged in before this whole debacle was exposed. The lives of innocent Mexicans and Americans mean nothing to him as long as his agenda is accomplished and yet 47% of Americans will still vote for him. Amazing.

Marcel said...

The Criminal President in the White House and the Criminal Eric Holder at inJustice Department
got a pass from the sissy Republican Darrel Issa under their investigation of Fast and Furious.
The fact that Holder is still Attorney General and not in prison and Obama has not been impeached,arrested and tried in Court for murder reveals the depth of corruption and criminality at the top of our government.

Anonymous said...

The Obamanation is about to give $450 MILLION to Egypt. Fast and Furious is going to look like your local monthly gun and knife show at the County Fairground Exhibit Hall.

Anonymous said...

This is just a bump in the road.

leone said...

This whole business can be layed at the feet of obama. The Danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It would be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgement to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Obama, who is a mere symtom of what ails this country. Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive the multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to see here. Move along...

Anonymous said...

What else can Obama do to not get re-elected? If he wins, what will be the point in voting ever again?

Obama has (attempted to or successfully) bought off Univision by awarding Cheryl Saban a diplomatic post. It is unbelievable how corrupt this administration is.

Saban's husband is a member of the board of Univision.

ronb28135 said...

What can a citizen do when government agencies are headed by criminals carrying out their dirty work under the guise of "policy?" Operation Fast and Furious" participants would ordinarily be criminally liable in a state court, except that they are federal government employees. Holder should be investigated by a grand jury, not some wimpy Republican committee that is making an appearance of doing something about the operation but has no intention of getting to the big guys like Obama and Holder.

Anonymous said...

Another cover up by this Obama Administration, first Fast and and Furious and now Benghazi. Where is the Mainstream Media????

Jay said...

It proves that the government was involved. Fast and Furious is none other than a program designed to send guns into Mexican Drug Cartels to then point the finger at average American citizens to limit guns even further than to eventually seize your right to bear it. Do your research and listen. Not only that, but really dig deep into yourself and base your findings off personal experience.

The ATF said it in the interview, "It comes down to individuals.."

Jay said...

It proves that the government was involved. Fast and Furious is none other than a program designed to send guns into Mexican Drug Cartels to then point the finger at average American citizens to limit guns even further than to eventually seize your right to bear it. Do your research and listen. Not only that, but really dig deep into yourself and base your findings off personal experience.

The ATF said it in the interview, "It comes down to individuals.."

Jay said...

It proves that the government was involved. Fast and Furious is none other than a program designed to send guns into Mexican Drug Cartels to then point the finger at average American citizens to limit guns even further than to eventually seize your right to bear it. Do your research and listen. Not only that, but really dig deep into yourself and base your findings off personal experience.

The ATF said it in the interview, "It comes down to individuals.."

Anonymous said...

Where is the MMS ? It takes Univision to bust open these stories while our MMS sits on their hands.

Anonymous said...

Is this just another "bump in the road"?

Unknown said...

Why is this not the lead story on the new york times cbs news abc news and the rest of the media? Makes the president look bad ? yes he did not build that bush did will be the excuse

Anonymous said...

Just a bump in the road

Anonymous said...

just a bump in the road

Anonymous said...

Its bush's fault.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Univision.It is a sad state of affairs when our government has done this and covered it up...nobody has paid a price for it ass of yet..except the ones murdered.It is also very sad that our media has not seen fit to investigate this to the fullest and bring it sufficiently to the public knowledge!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Univision.It is a sad state of affairs when our government has done this and covered it up...nobody has paid a price for it ass of yet..except the ones murdered.It is also very sad that our media has not seen fit to investigate this to the fullest and bring it sufficiently to the public knowledge!

Anonymous said...

Gee, hey Univision: can you hold clinics for ABC, NBC, and CBS on reporting and interviewing? I think they need some help in that area.

Anonymous said...

Janet Reno walked away after killing nearly 300 Branch Davidians. Those were US citizens.

There will be no justice for 300 dead Mexicans...not with Democrats in charge.

Anonymous said...

If Obama gets a second term, he will need to kill hundreds of mexicans to justify clamping down on our gun rights.

He'll just do it through executive edict and claim some moral responsibility to take away another freedom given to us by God.

Anonymous said...

damn sham another country reports whats real news

Anonymous said...

4 more years of this administration and this country will be so fundamentally changed that the Constitution will be redundant. The holy grail of the Left is to remake the Constitution in their image.
God save us.

Anonymous said...

What else have they done?
9/11, US and Israel:

Anonymous said...

Obama and Holder should have been impeached over this!

Much worse than Nixon's "Watergate" ever was!

markw said...

Operation Fast & Furious began in the fall of 2009

Meanwhile this Obama anti-gun speech with Mexican President Calderon took place April 2009 (watch time stamps 1:53, 9:40, 12:24, 13:40)

It appears Fast & Furious was a concerted effort to exacerbate, stage and increase a gun smuggling issue that didn't exist in April 2009 in order to give credence to one of Obama's top priorities dismantling the 2nd Amendment (as per April 2009 Obama / Calderon press conference above).

Joe Kidd said...

President Obama and Attorney General Holder eagerly carried out their diabolical scheme known as Fast and Furious. The thought that it might be traced back to them or blow up in their collective faces never entered their twisted minds. The “executive privilege” claim is proof of that. Nor did they care about the hundreds of Mexicans killed. Two things changed all that: Whistleblowers and Brian Terry’s death. That is why those on the inside know with certainty that Obama and Holder are Accessories to Murder: You don’t give away guns to scum who leave body parts behind as calling cards.

Obama = wasted brain space said...

just another example for obama failures! Yet...100 of 1000s of black folk will still vote for this poor excuse of a man! Holder is a thug...obama is just stupid and a-hole. Hilary simply pretends to care but all she wants in power. Her husband setup the lending rules that collapsed our economy while getting blow jobs in the oval office. When are the useless idiots (civilian democrats) going to wake up and smell the coffee??? Everything you believe and support is the exact opposite of what you "think" you want in life - but DEMONCRATS will never provide a free life!

Anonymous said...

When the NRA magazine called Eric Holder the most corrupt Attorney General ever , they were not kidding

TruthBeTold said...

To Anonymous seems that Univision has done some thorough reporting that no longer happens with the MSM in America. The Obama interview was the best I've seen in years of "THE ONE". As an American I am so ashamed that this Adm pushed this program which killed innocent Mexicans who have suffered so much at the hands of the Cartel. I also mourn the death of Mr Terry. The Congressional investigation did reveal a memo from this gun running group that stated they could use this outcome to reign in gun sales.

Anonymous said...

This was all about Hope & Change.

The powers that be in this pathetic administration hoped that by enabling the mayhem reported here they could use it as a vehicle to undermine and subvert the 2nd Amendment. The change. Thus removing the one and only real enforceable guarantor encoded in The Constitution we have as citizens to protect our rights from such two bit thug tyrants.

These two people, Obama and Holder, allegedly both lawyers, have held as their goal the subversion of that most sacred document. Once that restrictive document is out of the way Obama will show his true Marxist soul.

So, Obama & Holder Lied and people died. This is our President and Attorney General with the veil lifted. The blood is,and will always be on their hands.


Anonymous said...

Either way Obama and his henchmen lose. If they plead ignorance that just proves they're too inept to trust with another 4 years. If they admit this was a deliberate and systematic attack on the 2nd Amendment then they not only need to be out of office, but also prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Anonymous said...

Holder needs to resign over this failure that cost so many lives. Since this occurred under his watch, his claims of 'plausible deniability' ring hollow. Regardless, he will be held responsible by God, even if his boss Obama continues to abuse executive privilege to give him a pass...

Anonymous said...

I have been hearing of fast and furious for years and have to say this video helped better explain what was going on than any news I've heard of it from English Speaking sources like Fox and CNN. Maybe I'll start watching Mexican news from now on.

Anonymous said...

Why is it the Mexicans can get more information out of our government than the congress, who is conducting investigations on Eric Holder and Fast and Furious????

Anonymous said...

Just a few more bumps(bodies) in the road! O MUST GO!

Anonymous said...

This is called "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" in the Constitution our congressmen swore to uphold.

Anonymous said...

The commentator keeps going on about "high caliber weapons". There is only one high caliber weapon in this video, the Barrett .50 BMG. The rest are small arms mostly chambered in 7.62X39, a cartridge so powerful that most hunters consider it too puny for deer. And go in one side of a house and out the ither? Not unless you're living in a tent!

veritaze said...

End drug prohibition and this will all be moot.

Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that citizens can't arrests and hold corrupt government officials accountable. As the former EPA chief in Texas said "crucify them" to scare the other corrupt politicians.

If its good for the goose...

Unknown said...

Well said....

Unknown said...

Well Said

Anonymous said...

Great Job Obama, Let's give more guns to Mexican Drug Cartel's just to take away the Americans right to have them and protect ourselves. This mess in Mexico is only creeping into our own back yards!

Anonymous said...

Just a few more "bumps in the road" as far as Obama is concerned. This is what Leftists REALLY think of people in the developing countries.

Anonymous said...

"It's just noise." BHO All is noise to the empty suit that did not originate with him. God help the US if that swine gets re-elected.

This says it all.
October 1, 2012 9:20 AM

Anonymous said...

the top Mexican controls the multibillion dollar chicago drug trade,
they are completely unmolested by there feds and local chicago police ,as they freely transport their 'goods' across the border ,
they continue to contribute millions of dollars to the DNC & the obama presidential campaign, the guns were just a small part of the reward they received , for the contributions ,..
why do you think ALL work on the border fence has been stopped ?
the Mexican cartels are a BIG influence on the DNC , & their influence reaches all the way to the top

Anonymous said...

Times have changed indeed. Now, Americans must consult a Spanish language network to get straight answers regarding the activities of the US Gov't. A sad day for the USA.

Luis said...

Comeon! Latino brothers lets be fair. If this would have happened under bush, there would be a million man march to impeach him. Throw the bums out.

Anonymous said...

What's to stop something similar from happening in Chicago , Detroit or St.Louis?

Same type of crime ...different groups of people.

Look at the type of attacks...wave after wave of well armed and large groups of nomadic humans .Sounds like Chicago .
Sure one Manages to outrun the first wave, thanks to cell phones and Google maps another wave will catch up very soon .

Advice for tourists coming under attack:
Drop a few grenades at irregular intervals while running for cover .

Anonymous said...

with univision's 50 years of doing provincial type tv, what else you expect, a bloody account of all the tragedies we understood from the beginning that F&F had generated. Just like the yellow press, blood on the streets but no conclusions, no calling the names of the responsible DOJ people involved or pointing out obama's lying during the interview when he stated that F&F started during the previous administration, that is as far as they, univision, go in saying something questionable about Obama too, ...tragedies in mexico, bumps in the road...for them too?

89 Narc said...

Investigate the Law Enforcement Tracking Devices (LETD). How powerful? What Distance of Reception? Who was in Mexico to track them? Manufacturer? GPS? Failure Rate? The LETDs, and their handeling will tell you if this a BS of deniability.

Anonymous said...

"And there will be weeping and the knashing of teeth."

Anonymous said...

Funny that the American press won't touch this - they're in the bag for Obama until after the election

Anonymous said...

You are right. Schumer and Feinstein were in on it too. If you Google back to just before Fast and Furious story broke, you will see the senators big push to claim guns going to Mexico and gun control.

Burnsee said...

They are all murderers. How much money will the tax payer have to dole out to settle all the law suits coming our way. This half wit Attorney General and nit wit Prez all nelong behind bars.

Burnsee said...

They are all murderers. How much money will the tax payer have to dole out to settle all the law suits coming our way. This half wit Attorney General and nit wit Prez all nelong behind bars.

Unknown said...

Arthur Isaac is right, there are too many holes for this to make sense. The DEA had evidence, intelligence and just cause and never aprehended anyone. They already knew who the individuals involved were and could have aprehended and turned states witnesses. This was allowed to go on from the viewpoint of "cracking a few eggs" To allow a populist gun restriction and removal of constitutional freedoms to "protect more americans" First you create a dependant welfare state then you take away their abillity to defend themselves, whats next obama re-education and a removal of presidential term limits.

Anonymous said...

F&F coverup/lies > Watergate coverup/lies. Let the impeachment proceedings begin.

SMChudej said...

Why haven't Obama and every member of this administration been tried for treason, found guilty and face a military firing squad? Hell, let's add the 100 senators, the 435 representatives and Biden...The treason runs deep in this country. Let's start fresh!

Anonymous said...

WAKE UP HISPANICS... The crook in the White House and all his weird staff and advisers are using you!!! First off they are trying to win the election buy buying your vote with free stuff and citizenship... Then they flood your country with weapons past the porous boarder to make it look like WE The United States are the problem so they can take American citizen's guns away. Why else would they put faulty tracking devices in the guns... think about it!!!

Anonymous said...

Auther Issac has is right.

Anonymous said...

If I only had an Obama-Phone. BTW, the polls are disinformation. Everyone I know is writing in Ron Paul.

Anonymous said...

What did the President know and when did he know it? Sounds like a reasonable journalistic question that no one in American Media cares to ask. my question is, why not?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you just love to get some of our leaders in a boxing ring? I got so worked up while thinking about this I almost knocked a big hole through our kitchen wall!

Anonymous said...

UniVision is doing what the US media is afraid to do.

My compliments to them!

Anonymous said...

The Dear Leader --as the consummate agitator (i.e., "community organizer") he is-- and his retinue of hardcore-Left comrades wanted to arouse public outrage against gun sales and ownership in the USA (i.e., against the 2nd Amendment, for the first thing that every single hardcore-Left regime does to effectively subdue the people is by disarming them). Thus they chose Mexico as "gallo-chinguero" (i.e., "patsy") to "prove" their case against the Second Amendment. "Unfortunately" to them, a DEA agent was murdered with one of those guns, and then a Pandora's box popped up fully open. Then the Obama regime attempted to cover it up, UNIVISION now helping to uncover it.

Anonymous said...

Why does it matter where the guns came from? You people on here sound like a bunch of Democrats. You're all for unlimited gun rights, unless the people who kill people with them got them from the US government. You miss the point, to no surprise, 90% of the guns in Mexico came from the United States.

Anonymous said...

The victims are just "bumps on the road" on the way to the utopian society promised by the left.

Anonymous said...

Pretty amazing that only News outlet who tells the truth is Univision. I salte you Univision for telling the truth. Something the American Mainstream Media will not. Viva Univision.

Anonymous said...

Univision (Spanish pronunciation: [uniβiˈsjon]) is a Spanish-language television network in the United States. It has the largest audience of Spanish-language television viewers according to Nielsen ratings. Randy Falco, (CEO as of June 29, 2011) COO, has been in charge of the company since the departure of Univision Communications president and CEO Joe Uva in April 2010.[1] In recent years the network has reached parity with the U.S.'s five major English-language television networks, and is often a strong fifth, outranking The CW, with some fourth-place weekly placings, and as of 2012, even first place rankings for individual programs over all five English networks due to the network's consistent schedule of new telenovelas all 52 weeks of the year.

Univision is headquartered in New York,[2] and has its major studios, production facilities, and operations in Doral, Florida, a suburb of Miami. In 2009, another television studio was announced, Univision Studios, to be built in Doral.[1][3] Univision is available on cable and satellite in most of the country, with local stations in over 50 markets with large Hispanic and Latino populations and a national cable network feed distributed in markets without either the availability or the demand for a locally-based station. Most of these stations air full local news and other local programming in addition to network shows, and in major markets such as Los Angeles, New York, and Miami. Univision owned-and-operated station (O&O) newscasts are equally competitive with their English-language counterparts ratings-wise.

Anonymous said...

The American media is complicit.

Anonymous said...

Univision (Spanish pronunciation: [uniβiˈsjon]) is a Spanish-language television network in the United States. It has the largest audience of Spanish-language television viewers according to Nielsen ratings. Randy Falco, (CEO as of June 29, 2011) COO, has been in charge of the company since the departure of Univision Communications president and CEO Joe Uva in April 2010.[1] In recent years the network has reached parity with the U.S.'s five major English-language television networks, and is often a strong fifth, outranking The CW, with some fourth-place weekly placings, and as of 2012, even first place rankings for individual programs over all five English networks due to the network's consistent schedule of new telenovelas all 52 weeks of the year.

Univision is headquartered in New York,[2] and has its major studios, production facilities, and operations in Doral, Florida, a suburb of Miami. In 2009, another television studio was announced, Univision Studios, to be built in Doral.[1][3] Univision is available on cable and satellite in most of the country, with local stations in over 50 markets with large Hispanic and Latino populations and a national cable network feed distributed in markets without either the availability or the demand for a locally-based station. Most of these stations air full local news and other local programming in addition to network shows, and in major markets such as Los Angeles, New York, and Miami. Univision owned-and-operated station (O&O) newscasts are equally competitive with their English-language counterparts ratings-wise.

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like Obama is losing key Democratic support because of this:

Anonymous said...

Obama is already losing key Democratic support over this:

Anonymous said...

President of Libya - better news source than WH on attack in Benghazi

Univision - better investigate journalism on F&F than NY Times, CNN, etc.

Good job Univision... pathetic job administration and MSM

Tatiana Covington said...

How about everyone just stop buying and using drugs? That will stop it within the hour.

What? You can't stop yourself from taking drugs? Charles Darwin has one word for you: "DIE!"

Anonymous said...

Well said.

veritaze said...

Arthur Isaac said...

They weren't trying to bust the cartels. They were trying to bust the gun industry. Hillary Clinton was arguing before day one about how we needed to curtail gun rights in the U.S. to stop the carnage in Mexico. How about this Obama administration? How about you stop giving weapons to murderers and creating a blood-bath to further your ideological ends?

Yes, this is an elaborate ruse to justify gun-grabbing. Glad it backfired on them, sad that so many innocents had to die.

Kevin said...

Before it seemed like the US gov was trying to make guns look bad in the American public's eye to try to pass tighter gun laws......but in this video it almost seems like maybe they were trying to help one cartel over another?

This whole thing stinks to high hell, I own guns, and I would NEVER think try to fraudulently purchase 40 guns in 2 days unless I wanted to spend some time in jail. Someone from the government had to have contacted the straw purchaser before hand and told him what to do. If the S-purchaser was an informant, then they would already know where the guns would end up so the program was unnecessary.
The American government is inciting the drug war trying to pick a winner IMO.

Anonymous said...

It's so frustrating to know Obama, Clinton, Holder & Co will get away with this; because if they lose the next administration will be to busy straightening out all the other messes to be concerned about fixing this one. And if they win the problem will continue to get swept under the rug!

Unknown said...

what's happend. . .!?

Anonymous said...

The answer is obvious , a Mexican drug cartel needs to be set up just across from DOJ in Washington prior to the election , selling Mexican pot .

Anonymous said...

So drug dealers with all but unlimited funds, no red tape and connections overseas went to the US to get guns? Doesn't make sense. Why not just go to Nic, Honduras, Panama, El Salvador?

Anonymous said...

Science has proven that we can all live in peace and harmony and have a great time on this planet.

Anonymous said...

Clearly this was idiocy on the part of the ATF, but to jump from there to some wacko theory that Obama is going to take away citizens guns is equally idiotic. I know some folks are fact challenged but there has been ZERO legislation introduced or backed by the administration that would restrict gun rights.

Anonymous said...

Investigate the Brady Center too, they were part of "under the radar".

Anonymous said...

Wow! Univision hit it out of the park with this information about this evil and corrupt obama administration.
As a Latino I feel proud of Univision and now on I will go back to watch their news more often since I gave up on then long ago.
Viva Univision! Los unicos honestos y profesionales bringing the real news.

Tony M

Buzz said...

Fast and furious was a False Flag designed to remove the 2nd Amendment; it's sole purpose was to attack our right to own guns. The Globalists can't make make us slaves if we have guns.

Anonymous said...

keep obama in president he gave us a phone you know

Anonymous said...

I just wonder how they were planning on curtailing guns? If the murders did not happen in Mexico, were they hoping that massacre happen in the US?

One can also ask why F and F had to be conducted in a border State? What was the rationale for having these done where the possibility of people who are not shy of using high powered weapons, such as the cartel, will acquire them?

The whole thing was never thought through really well.

I guess when your intention was to curtail freedom what you get is lawlessness.

Anonymous said...

Bush's fault. Obama said so!

Anonymous said...

"Eye Candy"

Anonymous said...

"Eye Candy"

Anonymous said...

"Eye Candy"

Jonny said...

Great comments on this thread. Glad to see there are many Americans who see through this evil Manchurian Candidate traitor who thinks he's an emporer.

Anonymous said...

Actually it was 87 Branch Davidians, but you are right about there being no justice for the victims.

Anonymous said...

Cant we just blame it on Bush?
It has worked with the economy.

Anonymous said...

Because its all part of the big game. The election is a sham and is just being used to keep people at bay. Only ask what you have to and keep the people entertained as rome burns so to speak.

Anonymous said...

The admin was very well aware there was going to be an attack. They knew days before of the possibility but let it happen and tried to play it off in their interests so they could try to push this as yet another reason for internet control. Kinda blew up in their face. The admin pushed down anyone who tried to bring up the fact it was on 9/11 until they could no longer.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Barry Soetoro is Not a fool, he is a mendacious, and malicious enemy of the US constitution, who has been quite successful in fundamentally transforming our country into a disaster of unimaginable proportions.

Anonymous said...

All you knuckle dragging 2nd Amendment types don't seem to get it. The cartels took advantage of our STUPID LAX GUN LAWS to arm themselves to the teeth (it was the RIGHT who initially denied guns were being bought in the USA if you did any amount of research on the subject).

We have more guns per capita than any other "civilized" nation = we have many more gun deaths (by FAR) than any "civilized" nation.

You reap what you sow... all you gun nuts can kill yourelves

Anonymous said...

Finally a news agency willing to tell THE TRUTH. This is critically important that people understand what really happened and who is to blame.

Also, new revelations that Obama's education was funded by Arab oil money make the need for us to call for HIS COLLEGE RECORDS TO BE RELEASED.

It seems that we may have the representative of a foreign government in our White House. These two things should be investigated to the fullest!!! That we have Congress people who continue to look the other way when BOTH of these issues effect not only FOREIGN POLICY but NATIONAL SECURITY is beyond scary.

Thank you Univision for caring about PEOPLE and THE TRUTH. Please check further into Obama's college funding. We must have honest leadership for both the US and Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Univision for your honesty and refusing to just go along with the cover up. Perhaps there is a chance that legitimate journalism will return to our main stream media. I hope so.

dubaicory said...

to be quite honest it isn't necessary for mexican cartels to bring guns from the US and this is proven. it is the same scenario that happened in russia when the iron curtain fell. All the military weapons were sold on the black market. most of the weapons that show up in the hands of the cartels are from the fallen banana republics of south and central america. which by the way were propped up by the US, so yes those weapons are essentially american but not because they were smuggled accross.

got to love the US gov't