Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hugh Hewitt's 100 Reason to Vote Against President Obama:

Talk show host Hugh Hewitt has come up with 100 Reasons to vote against President Obama.  The audio to the list can be accessed here but we have the reasons below as well:
  1. Mitt Romney believes in a second American century. He believes in American exceptionalism and that the 21st century should be the second American century.
  2. Mitt Romney is a very good man with a great heart and a big vision for the country. He has character, which matters most in the office of the President.
  3. Romney is a turnaround specialist. He knows how to prioritize tasks. This contrasts with President Obama’s disinterested approach to the failing economy.
  4. President Obama is the least generous political person in recent memory at the national level. Never have we had a president who is so ungenerous to his opposition.
  5. President Obama is the most partisan president we’ve ever had. We have always passed big laws in this nation with bipartisan support. On Obama’s biggest initiatives, he has had no Republican support.
  6. Obama’s attack on Paul Ryan. Paul Ryan put together a comprehensive budget and invited the opposition to sit down and talk. The President proceeded to summon the republicans to the oval office, put Paul Ryan in the front row and taunted him, challenged him, and behaved in an unpresidential way. He is not presidential when it comes to his opponents. He is a street fighter, bitterly partisan.
  7. Remember the statement, “I won”; when, after the President’s inauguration, the republicans in the house met with him and offered ideas how to proceed in a bipartisan fashion and he replied to them, “I won. Elections have consequences.” This is how he will behave if he wins again.
  8. Obama’s full throated attack on the Catholic Church, personified in the HHS mandates in accordance with Obamacare, that all Roman Catholic Hospitals, charities, and every institution that doesn’t have an altar in it must provide sterilization and the morning after pills, in addition to ordinary contraception in their health care programs. This is anti-Catholic and is shocking, and anti-constitutional.
  9. He has not and never will accept responsibility for any of the fiascos associated with his administration, which will be detailed later in this 100 reasons list.
  10. Barack Obama blames straw men. He invents arguments that don’t exist when defending his policies. He lines up straw men, fake arguments, and sets fire to them. He does not answer the real and substantive arguments laid against him.
  11. He won’t deal with the truth. He gave a massive stimulus to the congress. He is responsible for it and for its failure. He has never accepted responsibility for it.
  12. He won’t accept responsibility for Van Jones and all of the other czars he has appointed. They are unaccountable to anyone and unconstitutional attempts to assert his rule.
  13. Solyndra. Solyndra sits empty. They were the recipient of 500 million dollars, which were lost on bankruptcy, big conference rooms, special glass and other wastes.
  14. The Boeing plant in Charleston. Boeing wanted to open a plant in Charleston and create 1000 jobs and the Obama administration labor relations board said no. This is a glimpse of the futures.
  15. The raid on Gibson Guitars. The Obama justice department accused Gibson guitars of improperly importing special wood for their guitars from India, even as India never raised a complaint. They show up and they beat up on companies in the name of regulation so that other companies “get the message.”
  16. Mitt Romney (along with Ann) has successfully raised a wonderful family. This tells us much about his character and values.
  17. Mitt Romney has never taken a government paycheck, even as governor of Massachusetts. This reflects his commitment to not wasting the people’s money.
  18. Mitt Romney can read a balance sheet. Can you? Most business owners have accountants for this.
  19. Romney has run complicated organizations.  Barack Obama has not
  20. Ann Romney is an incredible woman, who has overcome challenges from MS, cancer, etc. Her life is a great achievement and she will make a great first lady.
  21. Paul Ryan. No one knows the budget like Paul Ryan. No one is prepared to make extraordinary steps to correct our shortcomings.
  22. Joe Biden. Enough said.
  23. One word – Israel. If you are a supporter of the state of Israel, you cannot vote for Barack Obama. He has no love for the State of Israel. He has not been to the state of Israel since he has been elected. His hostility for the Jewish State has been omnipresent in his foreign policy.
  24. Obama’s tense relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu. He is the strongest Israeli prime ministry in recent times and Obama refuses to meet with him as Iran is getting critically close to gaining nuclear power status. He doesn’t have time for Netanyahu, yet he has time to go on David Letterman and The View.
  25. Obama did nothing for the Iranian green revolution. He was urged by many people to stand by the Iranian people when they stood against our enemies, the Iranian regime. He did nothing and the revolution was suppressed.
  26. The “Leading From Behind” doctrine. We don’t know what this meant. But whatever it meant is that he refused to take leadership during the Libyan revolution and many hundreds of tons of weapons went missing. We see the fruits of this in Benghazi in the slaughter of our ambassador.
  27. “Leading From Behind” in Syria. Assad has not hesitated to kill tens of thousands of his own people to preserve his rule. He is a butcher, and Obama has refused until recently to say anything against this crushing of civilians. Everyone knows Assad is our enemy except for Barack Obama. The result has been chaos, murder, tens of thousands dead and who knows what will follow in the wake of this bloodshed.
  28. The Bows. The bow to the Saudi King,
  29. The bow to the Japanese Emperor. The United States bows to no one, but he is indicating appeasement in policy, which has been dangerous since its first day and has manifested itself in the rise of extremism across the world. The bows are not to be forgotten.
  30. There has been no progress with North Korea.
  31. There has been no progress with Russia. These are two great adversaries and they are arming the worlds despots and they have felt completely immune from any American pressure. There has been no progress towards disarming, and they are actively marketing their arms. Also, Obama, when he thought he was off recording, told Medvedev to give him time – after he wins his last election he will have more flexibility. What does that mean?
  32.  Obama screwed Poland.
  33. He screwed the Czech Republic.
  34. Obama slashed our nuclear deterrent. Mitt Romney will redeploy our missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic. Obama agreed to take out the shield and gave no notice to our allies, Poland and the Czech Republic. He removed it because Russia demanded it. These are horrific appeasements.
  35. Obama has abandoned Iraq. This may be controversial because many of you opposed the war in Iraq to begin with. Whether you agree with the war or not, you have to admit that when the war was over, the battle was won. We snatched victory out of the jaws of agonizing defeat with our counter insurgency doctrine. Our mission was accomplished and there was stability. All we needed was to stay on our bases with a modest number of troops to provide training. Obama ran away from our responsibility to Iraq in a huge diplomatic failure.
  36. He has announced a firm withdrawal date from Afghanistan. He has served notice to the Taliban how long they need to hold out for until we are gone and they have won. This is a disaster.
  37. Barack Obama cut the F22 Raptor. This air force fighter was the finest fighter ever to be designed. It has no equal amongst our allies or adversaries, nor will there be for the next generation. Obama stopped production. Not only did he end the F22, but he also stretched out the deployment of the F35. He has scrapped American air superiority.
  38. He has threatened our naval power. Our sovereignty depends on a strong navy. The US Navy is supposed to be at a minimum of 313 ships. He has allowed it to dwindle to 282 ships and will likely allow it to decline to 250. Mitt Romney thinks we need to go to 340 ships in 8 years.
  39. Barack Obama has cut the US Marine Corps by 20,000 marines.
  40. He has cut the US Army by 80,000 troopers. Our military is being cut down and hollowed out because of his insistence on huge social programs.
  41. Mitt Romney’s experience at Bain Consulting and Bain Capital. His investments and companies that were started as a result of his effort have created over 100,000 jobs. His time at these companies taught him about the market – how it works, how to succeed.
  42. Romney has church experience. He has been a Mormon for some time; he has even done a 2 year mission. He knows what it takes to volunteer time and to be a part of a church community. He has given of not only his treasure, but his time.
  43. Romney’s parents. His parents had a huge impact on the shape of his life. George Romney was an extraordinary American.
  44. Mitt Romney’s charitable giving. Over the last 20 years he has given up close to 30 million dollars. This does not include the opportunity cost of the money; what he could have made if he had invested that money. Mitt Romney is the most generous candidate.
  45. Obama’s gaffes. They are an embarrassment. When President Obama refers to marines as “corpsemen” or talks about 57 states, it reveals his ignorance.
  46. Obama has deceived the country about the deficit and his plan to raise taxes. He has suggested that the deficit of 1.1 trillion dollars and the national debt of 16 trillion can be solved by raising taxes on the top 1% of income earners. This will destroy growth of the country.
  47. Obama’s treatment of President Bush. Since the first month of his inauguration, he has whined and incessantly blamed George W. Bush for his problems. He takes no responsibility.
  48. His refusal to even remotely come close to having a real budget. Every year he has put forward budgets that not even his Democrat colleagues in congress will vote for. This year, he received not one vote for his budget.
  49. President Obama has refused to do anything to fix Social Security. This is one of the easiest social programs to reform, but Obama and the democrats refuse to fix it.
  50. President Obama has refused to do anything about Medicaid, which is bankrupting the States.
  51. Obama won’t speak the truth about the Ft. Hood Massacre.
  52. Obama’s elitism in things as small as pronunciation. Example: “PAHK-ee-STAHN
  53. Obama’s pretended touch about sports, yet cannot name a single White Sox player (supposedly his favorite team)nor White Sox stadium (Comiskey Park , the new stadium was built across the street in 2003 and renamed U.S. Cellular Field).
  54. Obama’s paralysis. Example: in the aftermath of the Gulf Oil Spill, he BHO wasabsolutely paralyzed and didn’t know what to do…so he did nothing.
  55. Obama’s overreaction. Example: his shutdown of drilling off the Gulf coast, hisrefusal to issue permits even after his permatorium was ruled unconstitutional. Tens of thousands of jobs were lost.
  56. Obama embarrassed the US in England when he gave the Queen an iPod loadedwith his speeches.
  57. Obama’s Cairo speech. He was going to “reset” relations with the Muslim world and
    usher in a new era. It was perceived, because it was, as weakness. It has brought home seeds of havoc and cruelty across the Islamic world, as Islamic jihadists have taken control of many movements in the Arab Spring and now the Muslim Brotherhood rules in Egypt. Politics of appeasement.
  58. The enormous spending. He has increased the debt by $5 trillion. He has spent more in 4 years than President Bush did in 8 years.
  59. Dodd-Frank. A death knoll for small banks. A crushing burden on lenders.
  60. “Fast and Furious”. (for more information see Katie Pavlich’s fine book)
  61. The cover-up of “Fast and Furious”.
  62. Obama still wants to close Gitmo. He still wants to release Gitmo detainees; he still
    refuses to recognize that the international terrorist threat is alive and well. Even
    though Bin Ladin, thanks to SEAL Team 6, is dead.
  63. Obama wanted to, and indeed allowed the trial of one terrorist killer in the city of
    New York, at extraordinary cost and with the result that the terrorist killer was only indicted on one of scores of counts and is not going to hang by the neck until dead. He wants to criminalize terrorism.
  64. Obama abandoned the defense of The Defense of Marriage Act. The Defense of Marriage Act represented truly and accurately the sovereign will of the people as represented by their congress and by Bill Clinton, who signed that law. Ask yourself what happens in a country of laws when the President of the United States and his Department of Justice refuse to defend that law.
  65. Obama’s recent executive order on immigration. Whether or not you support the Dream Act, the immigration laws of the United States are passed by Congress, and then the president either signs them into law, or vetoes them.
  66. Justce Sotomayor, leftist, an indication of what Obama will do with future appointments.
  67. Justice Kagan, leftist, also an indication of what Obama will do woth 1, 2, or even 3 appointments if he’s reelected.
  68. President Obama jammed Obamacare down the throat of America. )AFTER Scott Brown was elected to the seat previously held by Ted Kennedy, in liberal Massachusetts)
  69. Obama chose to tax inactivity. (Obamacare)
  70. Obama’s decision to give the IPAB (Independent Payment Advisory Board) authority over your medical decisions. The IPAB is the board of 15 unelected bureaucrats who will decide what will be reimbursed under Obamacare, and what will not.
  71. Obama did not rein in the trial bar. He did not institute medical malpractice reforms in Obamacare.
  72. Obama did not remove a single barrier to the interstate commerce objection to the trafficking in health insurance plans across the United States.
  73. Obama cut Medicare by $760 billion. The medicare trust fund was established by conritibutions that you made and I made, so the people, when they reach retirement at the age of 65, would have their Medicare costs paid for. Note: Romney and Ryan have both said the system is broken and needs to be changed, but nothing will change for anyone over the age of 55. They will put back the money that Obama looted out of there.
  74. Obamacare itself.
  75. Mitt Romney works pretty well with Democrats, unlike Obama, who is the mostpartisan president we’ve ever had.
  76. Mitt Romney deals candidly with problems.
  77. Mitt Romney answers questions without hesitation. He tells the truth.
  78. Obama filibusters in press conferences. He’s always worried about the question around the corner and is unfamiliar with facts. “Let your yes by yes and your no be no” (h/t Carl the Pittsburgh Steelers fan)
  79. Obama blew the Chicago Olympics.
  80. Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize. (how unbecoming of the president to both lose the Olympics but take the Peace Prize–he should have done neither)
  81. Obama did nothing about the Chinese manipulating their currency UNITL MittRomney began to campaign against it.
  82. Obama has done nothing in China to stop the suppression of the Christian house church movement. The Christian house church movement is vibrant, large and growing and under extreme pressure and periodic terrible crackdowns by the Chinese government.
  83. Obama lied about the attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya. He did so in the Univision interview long after even Ambassador Susan Rice and White House Press flack Jay Carney had admitted it was a terrorist attack.
  84. President Obama hides from the media.
  85. Mitt Romney is routinely willing to take the tough questions.
  86. Obama sent back the Churchill bust. He tried to deny it through his press secretary.
  87. Robert Gibbs was the worst WH Press Secretary in the history of press secretaries…contemptuous in his attitude toward the public. Robert Gibbs was a close adviser of Obama and is back doing it again.
  88. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are the President’s friends. Obama has never rebuked either of them.
  89. Obama lets the National Education Association obstruct school reform.
  90. Obama likes to say he saved the automobile industry (GM): he did not, he saved the UAW. (he sold out to the UAW)
  91. Obama has not cut one department or bureau out of existence.
  92. We are continuing to fund the National Public Radio System and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, even though we no longer need their mission.
  93. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is trying to crush the use of coal in the United States via their Cross Border Pollution Rule and the destruction generally of co-generation plants. They have a war on coal.
  94. The EPA has declared war on fracking. (The EPA does not want the use of carbon AT ALL)
  95. The EPA is attempting to impose Cap and Trade by regulation.
  96. Obama blames George W. Bush for everything.
  97. 8% unemployment for 42 consecutive months.
  98. Mitt Romney will slash the size and scope of government. He will begin the long andarduous process of entitlement reform.
  99. Mitt Romney is commited to 340 ships in the United States Navy.
  100. The Peoples’ Republic of China. They are large and they are growing and they are NOT our friend. Obama intends to do nothing about the PRC.


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Keystone XL..

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