Friday, October 5, 2012


is Investor's Business Daily.  IBD publishes amazing editorials 5-days a week that show the clear benefits of Free Markets and Capitalism.  A sampling:

Jobs:  When jobs data came out Friday showing the unemployment rate had suddenly plunged to 7.8%, former GE CEO Jack Welch tweeted that "these Chicago guys will do anything . .. can't debate so change numbers."

Campaign 2012:  When an incumbent Democratic president is virtually tied in a congressional district he carried by high double digits in 2008, and is losing in the suburbs of his hometown, there could be trouble brewing.

Entitlements:  Lost in all the attention to Mitt Romney's rout in Wednesday's debate was a gross factual error Barack Obama made when he addressed Social Security. No, Mr. President, it is not "structurally sound."

2012 Campaign:  President Obama's abysmal performance was a shocking revelation to many who saw it. Why were they surprised? The Barack Obama the media have nurtured, promoted and protected isn't the real one.

Bias:  Their ideological champion having been verbally undressed by a competent challenger, the tingles that used to run up the legs of the mainstream media have been replaced by the mother of all anxiety attacks.
Geopolitics:  What do Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, Gulf oil sheiks and President Obama have in common? They all want to halt the U.S. energy revolution in fracking. No wonder so many of them are endorsing Obama.
ObamanomicsOfficial economic numbers — GDP, unemployment, personal income and so on — are discouraging enough. But data compiled by the private sector also show how the president's economy is falling short.

Afghanistan:  Proxy negotiations with the Taliban have collapsed. Naturally, since these sadistic Islamofascists are just waiting for America to leave. Behold another Obama foreign-policy disaster.

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