Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Best Editorial Page you will find:

is easily Investor's Business Daily.  IBD publishes easy-to-read editorials that show the benefits of Free Markets and Capitalism. A sampling:
Media:  PBS' documentary last week "presenting the definitive portraits of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney" was so partial to Obama it fortifies Romney's case to end PBS subsidies.

ObamaCare:  The leaders of the vice president's church are calling him out for denying the Affordable Care Act's threat to religious liberty and the institutions that provide needed social services.

Environment:  Global warming hasn't been a point of contention in the presidential campaign. This is as it should be, because it's not a real issue. Earth's temperature is about the same now was it was in 1997.

DebateAfter President Obama hurt his own cause in his first debate, along comes Joe Biden to take it from bad to worse. No candidate has ever turned in a more dishonorable, dishonest performance.

PrioritiesWhile our consulate in Benghazi was guarded by unarmed Libyan contractors making $4 an hour, our embassy in Vienna received an expensive charging station for its new electric cars to help fight climate change.

HonorPresident Obama has been sending identically worded, typewritten form letters to the parents of soldiers, Marines and Navy SEALs killed in action. Is "No Drama Obama" cool or ice-hearted?

TerrorismThe Obama victory lap following Bin Laden's death has had its share of hurdles, none higher than the one presented this week by a CBS reporter who knows the facts.

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