Monday, October 7, 2013

Video: Megyn Kelly's First Show On 'The Kelly File' - Megyn Kelly Ted Cruz Interview

Video: Fox News' Megyn Kelly made her primetime debut on Monday night's The Kelly File, and kicked it off talking the government shutdown with Senator Ted Cruz. Kelly opened the interview with a simple question: "What's it like to be the most hated man in America?"
Cruz mostly deferred, saying Americans don't care about partisan bickering and blaming President Obama and Senate Democrats for opposing funding specific agencies. Kelly pointed out it's because they oppose piecemeal bills, and brought up Cruz's high unfavorable ratings. She questioned whether Cruz's outspokenness on Obamacare is "costing" him and the GOP politically.

Megyn Kelly's First Show On 'The Kelly File' - Megyn Kelly Ted Cruz Interview - October 7, 2013


Linda Dodson said...

Welcome to prime time. Have been a fan for a long time.
I was a fan of Mike Wallace until he asked Michelle Bachman if she was a flake on national television. He is permanently off my DVR programming.
I was very disappointed in your gotcha question to Ted Cruz. "How does it feel to be the most hated man in America"? Was that question all about promoting your first show on prime time? Shame on you.

christian soldier said...

Megyn- I watched you show for the fist and LAST time!!