Monday, December 16, 2013

Get them here while you can: 40 and 60 Watt Incandescent Light Bulbs to be banned on January 1, 2014:

It's true.  Beginning in less than 2 weeks the sale and manufacture of both 40 and 60 watt incandescent light bulbs (real light bulbs) will be illegal in the United States!

We can debate the craziness of this but in the meantime you can stock up here.  Get you light bulbs - get your light bulbs!

And no - we are not making this up.  The sale of both 60 and 40 Watt Incandescent Light bulbs will be illegal in the New Year!

1 comment:

Mike aka Proof said...

The Edison incandescent light bulb is the quintessential symbol of genius and American ingenuity. "I have an idea" has been symbolized by a light bulb going off over one's head for longer than I can remember.

Anti-choice liberals and green do-gooders are responsible for this. Them and spineless politicians who refused to stand up for the simplest of freedoms.