Thursday, November 9, 2017

UP 25% in one year! The Trump Bump shown in a YUGE Graph

No president since 1944 (Roosevelt) has such a successful one-year stock market increase.  The DOW Jones Industrial Average was up over 25% in one year!

WOW!  This had added untold billions to household net worth!!  They call this the Trump Bump for good reason... has a good story about it here.


smartalek said...

Wow -- Trump really IS a genius (or, to put it in winger: "genious") -- to be able to cause values to increase not only before any of his policies could possibly take effect... but before he's even installed in office!
Which is more impressive?
His time-travelling abilities?
Or his ability to convince the most gullible people on the planet of his miraculous powers?
Your "Trump Bump" is about as real as the "Bush Boom" you lot tried to sell us... before the crash that nearly derailed not only the whole country's economy, but that of the whole world.
If we're going to cherry-pick, let's try cherry-picking something that's at least got a chance of actually reflecting the causal impact of the Presidential policies in play...
Say, from March 6 of 2009 ($6627) to March 5 of 2010 (10,566): a 59% increase in value.
(Gee, that's more than twice, and approaches three times, the increase you seem so impressed with here.)
Oh, except you won't want to count that one -- it was under President Obummer, and reflected the impact of the passage of the bill you lot still deride as the "Porkulus," despite the fact that over 85% of economists of all stripes credit it with breaking the Crash and starting the recovery.
Of course, you'll never let this comment show -- but you'll know and I'll know why.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous smartalek said..."

You moron, the Trump bump is due to businesses and investors believing he will carry out at least some of his stated aims. They are investing in a perceived future. This is real "hope", unlike that crap Obama sold you before destroying the medical industry in one fell swoop.

If you were less incredibly stupid you would argue the bump is due to the previous administration's inflation finally catching up. Of course that's not true, but a better argument than your Ad Populum "85% of economists" nonsense.

Sowell is right; you leftists just can't think past stage 1.