Friday, November 2, 2018

SPREAD THE WORD - The best editorial page out there is. . .

Investor's Business Daily.  IBD is absolutely superlative.  A sample of recent posts.

Midterm Elections:  President Reagan won a landslide election in 1980 when he asked voters a simple question: "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" Voters knew they weren't. Midterm voters should be asking themselves that same question now, before casting their ballots next Tuesday. Only this time, the answer is yes.

Deplorables Boom: The much-stronger-than-expected jobs report showed once again why presidential promises matter. Under current policies, the so-called deplorables are having their day when it comes to jobs and wages. Wasn't that what Donald Trump promised in 2016?

Midterm Elections:  As people go to vote on Tuesday, they will be counting on the system working properly. Which means only those eligible to vote will do so. Unfortunately, as recent cases show, that's not always the case.

Wage Growth:  For years we've heard non-existent wage growth would be the new normal. It became a prominent feature of the economic landscape during the Obama years. Workers were becoming superfluous, we were told. Now unemployment is near 50-year lows and wages are rising quickly. It isn't a fluke or an accident. It's a result of policies that worked as intended.

Election 2018:  Every day in the run-up to the midterm elections, the mainstream news peddles the same message: Republicans are extremists. But look at the data, and you see that it's Democrats who are increasingly well outside the mainstream.

Immigration:  The so-called migrant caravan that's slowly making its way to the U.S. from Central America is many things to many people. But one thing seems pretty certain: it's not about seeking "asylum," or "refugee status." It's about getting to the United States at all costs.

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