Saturday, March 9, 2019

IBD - The best editorial page you will find:

Investors Business Daily editorials stopped being published in February, which is a shame.  Below are some of the last editorials they published. 

Environmentalism:  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has declared herself "boss" of the "Green New Deal." Maybe she can explain were the money will come from to pay its $93 trillion cost. Because taxing the rich won't even scratch the surface.

Health Reform:  How do you enact a massive new program, and then keep it from being repealed after it fails? It's simple. Just pull the numbers out of thin air. That's basically what happened with ObamaCare.

Economics 101:  When Amazon pulled out of New York, the loss of 25,000 future jobs made headlines. What isn't making headlines are the thousands of jobs being destroyed right now thanks to the city's new $15 minimum wage.

Redistribution:  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says billionaires are immoral. She also thinks the U.S. should be more like Sweden and Norway. So she wants more billionaires here?

Election 2020:  When Bernie Sanders announced on Tuesday that he was running for president, the only surprising thing was how much competition he'll have on the far left. The current crop of 2020 candidates is so liberal, in fact, that it makes the Barack Obama of 2008 look positively right wing.

Deep State: The plot, as always in the Russia investigation, thickens. It never thins. Now we find out, contrary to what former FBI Director James Comey said, that top FBI officials wanted to charge Hillary Clinton for criminally misusing her homebrew email server and compromising American secrets. The lies continue to unravel.

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