Monday, September 30, 2019

Global Warming Update - "Unprecedented" Winter Storm Emergency. Record Breaking Snowfall in September. Dumps 4 ft of Snow

Historic September Blizzard! Montana hit by ‘unprecedented’ September winter storm, piling over 4 feet of snow in some


Anonymous said...

OMG, sounds like global warming - uh - maybe climate change. Maybe there will be a thunderstorm in Florida or something.

tally said...

This is why they had to change it to Climate Change. Cooling and early snow does not support their platform.

tally said...

This is why they changed it to 'Climate Change'. Cooling and early snow does not fit their narrative and drive for power and money.

Don L said...

Maybe they can get that confused kid-Greta--to do a pumped up crisis report on it. She could look u p at the snow and say, How dare you!"

Don L said...

Maybe they can get that confused kid-Greta--to do a pumped up crisis report on it. She could look u p at the snow and say, How dare you!"

cannon said...

hey al...wanna tell me again how snowfall will be a thing of the past by 20

WhisperinPints said...

Only 12 years left to achieve my perfect 300 game. But NOOOOO! I have to take time to scoop out from several feet of global warming in the first week of autumn. smh