Saturday, September 26, 2020

FULL VIDEO - President Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court

FULL VIDEO - President Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court

1 comment:

Windy Wilson said...

I think she will be a great Supreme Court Justice. I am sorry that she was always on the short list of Trump's Nominees. Had there been a different short list, there might be now a mad scramble for something against her as a long shot nominee. As it is, the Thuggee party has had time to not only research her past for potential subjects to attack her with, they have had time to do scenarios and market research on which ones might resonate best with Americans.
I have seen rumors that it will be the method by which she adopted her two adopted children.
Personally, I think that since she was not American royalty at the time, her adoptions have fewer points of vulnerability than Angelina Jolie's do. Not that that will matter. We would be guilty of "Whataboutism" if we attempt to compare and contrast* two events.

*Compare and contrast. The Bete Noir of junior high and High School for legions of political hacks and putative journalists.