Monday, May 17, 2021

Live Stream: Israel-Gaza violence continues as calls for ceasefire get louder

Live Stream: Israel-Gaza violence continues as calls for ceasefire get louder

1 comment:

joetote said...

Why is it hardly anyone mentions the fact that the Muslims conduct their operations from and have their weapons stored in hospitals, schools and mosques yet all these morons yell about the life loss even when Israel warns them it's coming.

AP damned well knew it's building was being used to launch rockets and so forth yet cry fake tears when in fact they facilitated the very actions being taken bu Hamas.

As in the cities here where officials turn a deaf ear to the very thing going on in front of their faces as to the riots and so forth, the lefty world in general refuses to acknowledge the simple fact that the Muslims don't give a damn about anything and know our moronic leadership would never dare to bomb a mosque or so forth, even if the saw the missiles being launched ( and don't try to tell me for one moment our spy satellites have not already got the evidence of this.

Amazing isn't it. The parallels between the violence in Portland and other cities and waht's going on in Israel?