Sunday, August 22, 2021

Glenn Beck - America is NOT gone: Glenn's audience proves why you should NEVER give up hope in MIRACLES - DONATE HERE

On Wednesday, Glenn gave his audience an impossible goal. Two days later, that goal was surpassed by listeners who gave until it hurt. This miracle was only possible because of God and all who donated, Glenn says. America is noble because we never leave people behind: "Don't you dare give up hope."

But the fight is far from over! Visit to donate to the Afghanistan rescue mission.


Stuart said...

Just because Christians are still willing to live their faith in no way means America is not gone. Money and voting will not get us out of this. The sooner you acknowledge this the easier it will be on you.
... and bringing thousands of Muslim goat herders to America will only hasten that destruction.
But go ahead and make yourself feel all nice and shit.

Trumpeter said...

Really, Glenn Beck?

Do you keep the Cheetos photo on your desktop?

How to tell a Cuck? They validate and empower other Cucks.