Thursday, March 24, 2022

"This is for the ones who stood their ground" - Ukrainians in Odessa rock to Bon Jovi's 'It's my life' while they fill sandbags.

As seen on Fox News Ukrainians in the port city of Odessa are rocking to "It's my life" by Bon Jovi as they fill sandbags on the beach.  HOW COOL IS THIS!  Jon Bon Jovi himself tweeted this out... here.

Ukrainians in Odessa rock to Bon Jovi's 'It's my life' while they fill sandbags.


Unknown said...

I find this hard to believe, if I were to drive this truck in a war zone I do believe it would be any color but orange. Are they out of spray paint too???

Anonymous said...

What a stupid thing to say, these people are fighting for their lives with what little they have.

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of backbone and self-confidence that wins wars. Civilian volunteers doing heavy lifting to protect against bombing, but efficient organization and exceptionally high morale. Impressive.

Anonymous said...

When the whole country is a war zone, you work with what ya got. I have been on that beach a few times. It is a rock coast so the sand was brought in. Now they are taking it away. Met some good people in Odessa. I wish them the best.