Friday, May 6, 2022

Husbands of Target - Hilarious Video

This is ROFL funny!  It is hard to watch this and not laugh out loud! Every day millions of husbands are left unattended in Target parking lots. We are now starting a Husbands of Target movement to band together. Join us, we have beef jerky.

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Featuring: @Charlie Berens @The Holderness Family @You Betcha

Husbands of Target - Hilarious Video


Truther said...

All BS aside, if people actually DID spend a few minutes just being decent to each other, solely for the purpose of, just being decent to each other, the world would be a much better place than it is now.

Bird of Paradise said...

Most of the News we get a a total load of Malarkey with the NYT's and CNN leading the way its time to end all the sewer language and get back to some real manners