Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Ukraine Update - Retired general: Ukraine's next move could put Russia in a dilemma

Jul 26, 2022 - Retired Army Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling says that Ukraine is ready to open up a second front in the eastern part of the country that could put the Russian army "on the horns of a dilemma".  Via Anderson Cooper and CNN:

Retired general: Ukraine's next move could put Russia in a dilemma


Michael said...

LOL there's a reason a retired general is openly giving "aid" to the Russians. That's what all this "Top Secret" reveals are "Aid", if they have any merit at all.

Otherwise, it's Propaganda to support dumping more GRAFT as "Military Aid" into Ukraine.

You can choose the reason.

Trumpeter said...

Can you do that without massing troops and massing equipment for the troops? Does this involve driving down roads when you do not have air superiority? The Ukrainians are at the point they are drafting women and 60 yo men. Do you have a picture of 50,000 troops training, with heavy equipment so I will know this is not complete BS?