Thursday, October 13, 2022

Tulsi Gabbard explains her decision to leave the Democratic Party - Tucker Carlson Video

This is great - controlled by "fanatical ideologues who hate freedom" - Former presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard sits down with Tucker Carlson to explain her decision to leave the Democratic Party on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' #FoxNews #TuckerCarlsonTonight


Steve said...

Once a demoncrat; always a demoncrat. Wouldn't trust her at all to continue with what makes America great. She is from Hawaii; a state that prides itself in "". A perversion of "it takes a village..".
I have family that lives in Hawaii and they and their ilk are into the great reset, et al.

Dan said...

She's a "commie lite" unlike the flaming insane leftists now in power. She is STILL anti 2A, pro taxes and an enemy of our freedom.