Tuesday, November 8, 2022

"Leave no doubt" - get out and vote for your country and you kids!

It's game-time here!  Republicans are poised to retake the US House, the US Senate and pick up governorship's.  But it has not happened yet.

When you wake up remember who it was who shut down the schools!  Remember who shut down small businesses.  Remember who was in charge when there was a 40 year high in inflation.  Remember who wants to teach radical things about gender, sexuality and whatnot to kindergartners.  Who doesn't want parents to have a say in your child's education.  Who voted for 87,000 new IRS agents.  Who left the border wide open and let people from around the world through our southern border. Who is it who kneels to the National Anthem.  Who doesn't support our military - who presided over RECORD HIGH GAS PRICES!

Remember it was the Democrats who stuck the FBI on parents who participated in school board meetings - the Democrats who want to inject children with puberty blockers - the Democrats who have declared war on fossil fuels - the Democrats who have presided over the worst stock market in half a century.

Vote for your future - vote for your children's future - vote for your country!  Up and down the ballot - from School Board to Governor - - Vote Republican!


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