Thursday, April 13, 2023

Young couple's shocking story of being nearly $1 million in debt goes viral "Absolutely Insane" - Dave Ramsey video

Dave Ramsey recently posted a video of a young lady calling who, with her husband, are nearly $1 million in debt.  Watch his reaction - and his advice!


Steve said...

So if this is over 3 years old....I wonder what they have done in the interim?
Oh and by the way...I used to follow Dave Ramseys advice and I did all of his "baby steps" advice AND I did get out of debt.
BUT, this past week; he was saying on his show that he thought Crypto Banking Currency was long as the government didn't use it in a nefarious way.
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When has the government ever done anything BUT spy on their people and exponentially grow!!!! Needless to say; I no longer follow him. In my mind he did a bud lite.

Unknown said...

Wow, The only debt I have is my mortgage and basic living expenses, I have zero credit cards and zero loans (other than the mortgage) and everything I have is paid for. I don't understand why people chose to get into debt, it's a choice to be in debt, I chose that if it I didn't have the money, then I didn't need it or I waited until I had the money, I drive a brand new car, also paid for, these young kids must not have been taught anything about money.