Sunday, May 21, 2023

GA Democrat trashes her own party over prioritizing migrants over Black Kids - Video

Georgia State Representative Mesha Mainor describes disapproval with her own party for prioritizing migrants over local kids with 3% reading proficiency rates.


Dan said...'s still a flaming effing commie bitch.

Mad celt said...

Why is it taxpayers responsibility to support anyone's kids? That is the parents task. Failing that, unfortunately, children will suffer. Governments main responsibilities does not include surrogate parenting. If it does then it is not listed in the enumerated powers of the Constitution.

Unknown said...

You guys are toast(pun unintended)as you are only 13%of the vote and if you take out children and the ones who skip voting you are down to 6%. Now think about all those millions the dems are using to replace your race. Is it becoming clear to you yet,I will make it plain and simple they are replacing you and your day in the sun are over. BUH BYE.

Anonymous said...

Black Americans will be an asterisk in a few generations, like Native Americans.
They deserve it, since they sold their souls to the Dem party.