Sunday, September 10, 2023

Re-Post: Let New York City Die

Saw this originally on Hot Air but the Hot Air team grabbed it from Townhall.  Anyway it is superlative - please pass this around!

One of life’s pleasures is watching liberalism destroy itself. Maybe that’s mean, but honestly, after all the damage the left has done to the country, I find it increasingly difficult to give a damn when one of the monsters they’ve unleashed on the country returns to destroy their castle. I rather enjoy it, actually. 

In this case, I’m talking about the illegal alien invasion happening at our southern border. Far too many “conservative news” outlets refuse to call it that, opting instead to roll with the words the left have bastardized – calling illegals “migrants.” They aren’t migrants – migrants migrate, meaning they come and go, for whatever reason (food, seasons, work, etc.). These illegal aliens aren’t going anywhere, at least voluntarily, ever. They need to be forcibly removed – deported – and Joe Biden is not the man who’s going to do that. He’s the one who started this idiotic, destructive game of red rover with the world through Mexico, he simply does not care about the devastation in his wake – he’ll be long-dead by the time the real price is known, unless he’s replaced by someone who actually cares about Americans.

There isn’t a Democrat in the country who can be described as someone who cares about Americans more than illegal aliens. Not one.

That’s what makes it all the more sweeter now that we’re seeing liberal cities and states suffer the economic pain they happily supported being forced on conservative areas along the border. 

Remember when these people insisted illegals were the economic engine driving the country? That’s been the standard left-wing lie, er, line for a decade. They were better than horrible Americans, worked harder, contributed more to society (even though, thanks to language barriers and illiteracy even in their native tongues, they weren’t able to participate in it), and committed fewer crimes than we awful Americans.That’s now been exposed for the lie it is, as Democrat after Democrat whine and complain about the costs associated with a relatively small number of illegals compared to what their “progressive” open borders policies force border towns to endure on a weekly basis. 

If illegals were so wonderful, New York City, Chicago, etc., wouldn’t be whining about the strain on their social services, they’d be counting the increased tax revenue and begging for more to be sent to their areas.

But everything Democrats have said about illegal aliens has been a lie. They aren’t an economic plus, they’re a disaster. To the extent they pay taxes (and don’t work under the table), it amounts to a drop in the bucket compared to cost of social programs they Hoover up like Hunter Biden in a room full of cocaine-covered hookers. Their kids cost a fortune to educate because they know no English and can’t even read in their own language. American children suffer, but no Democrat gives a damn.

Now New York is pleading for mercy. After a year of illegals flooding the city, still amounting to a fraction of their population and about half of what Texas experiences monthly, they’re going broke. That boost the economy hasn’t materialized, just a bunch of working age men not working, but drinking themselves into a stupor in the city’s expensive hotels while wasting food the city buys for them. The only growth industries surrounding these illegals are prostitution and drugs. 

Crimes skyrocketed and Americans suffered. Democrats said nothing because they don’t care, they want the potential future voters. 

But the money, oh the money. New York City Mayor Eric Adams now says these illegals “will destroy New York City.” Good, and good riddance. 

That the financial hub of the world, with a population of more than 8 million, can be crippled to the point of bankruptcy by just over 100,000 illegals over a year is a testament to the lies liberals tell. 

So, let New York die. Let Chicago die. New Jersey, Massachusetts, everywhere these sanctuary leftists rule and are currently choking on what they’ve supported imposing on others, let them collapse. And enjoy the view as it happens. 

This is what these Democrats voted for, at least when it was impacting only red areas along the border. Well, to quote the great John McClane from when he saved Nakatomi Tower from a different terrorist invasion, “Welcome to the party, pal.” They loved to virtue signal to their friends about how enlightened they were compared to those racist rednecks complaining of invasion. Now that they have to step over sleeping junkies and bodily waste to just go to the grocery store or take their kid to school, it’s different. It impacts them now. And they want it to stop.

They don’t want the invasion to be stopped and the border secured, they want it to stop impacting them, that’s all. They’re better than everyone else, they’re progressive! Send these troubles back to the great unwashed, suckers who live in buildings without a doorman where zero members of the chardonnay club have any kids currently transitioning, or even a chardonnay club to begin with. 

No thank you. Let these cities choke to death on their compassion by proxy attitude, and just sit back and enjoy the view. I will. 

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to beFollow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.


Anonymous said...

I'm not commenting to change your post nor opinion. There are many bible believing Christians like myself and family that live in NYC. You may think it unfathomable, but God ACTUALLY calls some of His children to live in areas like NYC. Where there is darkness, His light shines all the more. Not just a 'happy saying'. My husband and myself have been asked by unsaved folk who've known about our faith for prayer now. Of course, we introduce the One who saved us. Always.

Getting feelings out does feel good!!! And I'm actually glad you got yours out. However, I wouldn't be so fast to cast an entire area (regardless of where it is) as not worth living in.

Just an old lady here.

poppi said...

New York can be saved, and should be;
but it must first be purged of the evil that has ruled over us for sixty years. The first step is getting rid of the current City Council ..the election on November 7th gives us the chance to do a clean sweep.
The entire City Council is up for grabs.
95% of the 51 current members are Democrats,
~15% of the current crop are running for re-election unopposed..
BUT, there are 38 seats being contested.
(some of those seats may be Democrats in disguise, who were unable to get through the primary process)
(but many are true insurgents).
There is nothing more important this cycle than sweeping out the Dems from local government, as it will make it easier for Trump to win the following year, easier to cripple the Deep State.
A new local gov would be able to implement new voting rules, clean out the registration lists, target the cabal with Lawfare, etc.
We must win control of the City Council.

The way to win is to appeal to New Yorkers disgust with the everyday little hassles that they must endure..
New Yorkers are tired of the mismanagement that leaves our city filthy, with broken sidewalks, pot-holed streets, flooded subways; overrun with graffiti, rats, garbage swirling in the wind; the mismanagement that led to the deaths of the elderly in nursing homes; the wasteful spending on useless infrastructure and pet projects, while our houses and businesses crumble. We are tired of a highly centralized authoritarian government that wants to micromanage every aspect of our lives, limiting our freedom. Bloomberg's limits on large containers of soda, on trans-fats, on salt; DeBlasio's over-the-top authoritarian edicts on masks, vaccine passports, school closures. Those people think they know better than you do, about how to run your life. We’re tired of the stupid petty laws and regulations like the ban on gas stoves and wood-fired pizza, the ban on plastic grocery bags.

Recent administrations have neglected the core responsibilities of governance... A new administration must focus on the things that matter the most on an everyday basis .. police, fire, sanitation, water and sewage, clean safe streets and subways, fair and speedy courts.
A new administration must stop catering to the fringe groups, and must focus on the needs of the average & normal NYers.,

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