Friday, November 3, 2023

Benjamin Netanyahu: No temporary ceasefire without our hostages released; no fuel into Gaza - RePost

Looks like if there is going to be a cease fire or even a pause in hostilities it will be on ISRAEL'S TERMS!  Prime Minister Netanyahu laid down the law here.  Via Times of Israel.

Netanyahu: No temporary ceasefire without our hostages released; no fuel into Gaza
In a brief televised statement before the start of Shabbat, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has told visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that he rejects any temporary halt to the fight against Hamas that does not include “the release of our hostages. He also says Israel “will not enable the entry of fuel to Gaza.”

Netanyahu begins by promising that victory will be “sharp and clear” and will “resonate for generations.”

He says Israel’s enemies aim to destroy the country and will fail. “We won’t stop until victory,” he says, specifying that this means “to destroy Hamas, [and attain the] return of the hostages and the restoration of security for our citizens and children.”

He praises Israel’s valiant soldiers, saying they are killing terrorists “around the clock” in Gaza, with close cooperation between the IDF’s ground and air forces.

Speaking even as Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah issues a prolonged statement in Lebanon, Netanyahu warns Israel’s “enemies in the north” not to make the costly mistake of escalating the war. “You cannot imagine how much this will cost you.”

Regarding Blinken’s visit, he says he appreciates it and values the support of President Biden and the US. He says he showed Blinken footage of Hamas atrocities, which the secretary mentioned in his press conference earlier.

He says he told Blinken that “Israel refuses a temporary ceasefire that does not include the release of our hostages. Israel will not enable the entry of fuel to Gaza and opposes sending money to the Strip.”

He notes that Israel has lost hundreds of civilians and soldiers on and since October 7 — wonderful fighters, incredible Israelis… people who blocked these monsters with their bodies.”

He tells some of their stories and says they “sacrificed their lives for our lives.”

“We are trying to fight with minimal danger to our warriors, but we will do whatever is needed to defeat our enemies,” he concludes.


Anonymous said...

Public opinion around the world is turning against Israel as the IDF continues to massacre Palestinian women and children. Even Biden is having second thoughts now about backing Bibi. Bibi will end up like Zelensky - a fugitive on the run.

KellyJ said...

Why is it even on Israel to supply Gaza with Electricity, water, food, internet, fuel, food, and all the other trappings of a Modern Society?
If the Hamas controlled Gaza area wants/needs those things they should have been building their own power plants to supply electricity, desal plants to turn the Sea into potable water, off shore rigs to tap their own supplies of oil and natural gas, and develop their port to accommodate cargo ships to bring in trade goods.
Instead they built tunnels to conceal there movements, hang-glider troops to raid their neighbor, rockets that the fire every day, guns and bullets.
Why is Israel responsible for ANY of Gaza's needs?