Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Brave Black Democrat leaves the plantation - "She Walked Away From the Democrats" Re-Post

Outstanding story on how a former female black lady left the Democratic Party and is full-on MAGA now, thanks largely to Matt Walsh's excellent video - "What is a Woman?"  Saw this on Hot Air, please pass this on, it's amazing!

She Walked Away From the Democrats

AP Photo/Michael Wyke

It's hard to remember, if you are deeply immersed in tracking political, cultural, or social issues that most people don't have a clue about what is going on. 

That may be infuriating, but it is actually a reflection of a good thing. People should be allowed to live their lives without having to keep track of everything going on in the world. Politics shouldn't impact your life too often except when big things are happening, and cultural trends should be a spectator sport, not life and death issues. 

That's one of my arguments for limited government: the better the government, the less you have to care about what they do. "That government is best that governs least, because its people discipline themselves."

Unfortunately such luxuries are rarer and rarer in the modern world, where governments are huge, invasive, and influence every aspect of our lives. 

I ran across a fascinating video yesterday that captured one young lady's political awakening, and it was based on her direct experience with how topsy-turvy the world has become and how invasive legal and cultural trends have become. 

The Daily Wire is thrilled to have been mentioned--and good on them!--but the story here isn't that Matt Walsh helped convert a liberal into a full-fledged MAGA hat-wearing Republican, but that the Left did it by bullying this young lady into rebellion. 

Her story, I suspect, is one of many that will be repeated in the coming years. Lifelong Democrats who are getting bullied by the cultural and political Left, and who are waking up to the fact that this is going on in many aspects of our lives. 

We are seeing the Glenn Greenwalds, the Matt Taibbis, and the Bari Weiss' who are, if not moving Right, abandoning the Left and laying the groundwork for a new coalition to develop. 

The America is not so bad, or even really pretty great coalition. People who in the past would likely disagree on the issues they considered most important to them, and who had little idea that they shared fundamental principles because they were so foundational that they never thought about them. 

We argued about taxes, levels of welfare spending, foreign policy, or gay rights. 

But we all shared a fundamental agreement about how American society and government should work. We didn't even have to think deeply about it. 

Now we do, because we all have the same opponents: people who want to fundamentally change America, for the worse. 

This is how coalitions are built, and once they are build a consensus develops on other issues about which we would fight vigorously not too long ago. It takes a while, but generally it happens. And where it doesn't we get cease-fires until the overriding issue is resolved. 

I see this in who I follow--many people with whom I would have had fundamental disagreements just a few years ago I now consider allies, because the issues on which we disagree are now secondary. Still important, but secondary. 

Again via Hot Air.

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