Friday, May 31, 2024

Re-Post: "Get Trump" is backfiring BIG TIME against the Dems! UPDATED!!

Great read from the American Spectator!  Turns out the attack on Democracy by (ironically) the Democratic Party is so backfiring!

The American Empire’s ruling regime is popping the champagne after securing a guilty verdict for its chief political rival and the leading contender for the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

“Convicted felon” will now be added to the Democrat media machine’s mandatory list of Donald Trump descriptors — indeed, that was the sole point of the sorry exercise. Today’s headlines are titillating only for those immune to geopolitical fact: that incarcerating opposition figures is the proud trademark of failed states. Or was, until May 30th, 2024.

Titillating or not, it’s also backfiring. Bigly.

Friday morning, the Trump campaign announced that it had “nearly double[d]” its single-day fundraising record in the hours after the show trial wrapped up. The haul, totaling $34.8 million over just seven hours, came entirely from small-dollar contributions and did not include any donations made after midnight Thursday.

Almost 30 percent of those who chipped in were first-time donors, according to the press release.

So overwhelmed with traffic was Trump’s donation page on WinRed that the site crashed and stayed down for an hour, reports Axios. Google searches for “how to donate to Trump” also went stratospheric.

snap poll by the U.K.’s Daily Mail revealed a 6-point bump in approval for Teflon Don, with 22 percent of respondents saying they view the former president more favorably post-conviction, compared with just 16 percent claiming their view has declined.

If my X timeline is anything to go on, the energy shift has been sizeable, captured in tweets like that of Scott Adams, who was among the elite clique that accurately foresaw Trump’s rise in 2016. Wrote Adams:

X was also lit up by the first-time-donor army responsible for the aforementioned web outage.

“I can’t even imagine how much the campaign is raking in,” wrote Daily Wire personality Michael Knowles. “I almost never donate to political campaigns, and I just made the biggest donation of my life.”

Entering the replies to his and a similar tweet were reams of users wielding screenshots of their donation receipts.

“I donated as soon as it would let me after the site crashed!” replied one.

“I’ve worked in politics for 12 years and today was my first time donating to a candidate, Trump,” announced another.

“I am pretty broke due to Bidenomics and even I donated,” wrote someone else.

“As an Australian I can’t donate… but I can buy merch!”

“I can barely afford rent, but I just donated for the first time!!”

“I don’t even like Trump and I’m tempted to donate…”

It’s safe to say that Trump has won himself a new squadron of deplorables who won’t take November lying down.

Neither will the Democrats, to be sure. If last time is anything to go on, the “shadow campaign” conspiring to bring down Trump — as gleefully described by Time magazine in the aftermath of 2020’s election — will only ramp up its efforts in these five remaining months.

Whether Trump can secure enough votes to overcome the margin of Democrat fraud is a fate yet unwritten.

But the signs are looking good.

1 comment:

Dan said...

This is all hilarious but it won't change one basic fact. Trump CAN'T win in November because the left OWNS the election machinery. Doesn't matter how much $$$ people donate. Doesn't matter how he polls. Doesn't matter how many Americans vote for him. He is NOT going to win. We allowed the left to steal the 2020 race and get away with it. They are NEVER going to allow anyone to win they don't own. TINVOWOOT