Friday, June 7, 2024

First seen on Common Cents - - Virginia is now a "Toss Up" State!!

Her at Common Cents we posted about this on May 15 and finally Fox News and Real Clear Politics have caught up.  It turn out Virginia, which a Republican has not won since 2004, yes 20 years ago, is now a Toss Up!  And I think we can call Virginia a Swing State!

Nice of them to notice what Common Cents caught weeks ago!  From Fox News:

Virginia is not widely considered a battleground state this election cycle -- or perhaps just not yet. After winning the state by more than 10 points four years ago, President Biden finds himself in a tie with former President Donald Trump, according to a new Fox News survey of Virginia registered voters. 

The poll, released Thursday, shows Biden and Trump with 48% each in a head-to-head matchup in the Old Dominion State.

Biden gets strong backing from Black voters (73%), suburban women (58%), and college-educated voters (56%).

While Biden leads among Black voters, it is nowhere near where he was in 2020 – according to the Fox News Voter Analysis. In 2020, Biden won Blacks by 81 points, compared to 48 points in the new survey. Trump nearly triples his share among Black voters: 9% in 2020 to 25% today.

Trump’s support comes from White evangelical Christians (80%), rural voters (63%), voters without a college degree (56%), and White voters (54%).

There is no age gap, as voters under 30 (48% each) and those 65 and over (48% each) split their support. 

Independents are also torn (45% Biden, 43% Trump).

The gender divide is small but still evident, as men are more likely to go for Trump (+5), while the opposite is true among women (Biden +6).

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