A huge/HUGE win for women. The house passed a bill protecting women and girls in sports from biological men competing against them. This is a HUGE win for American women. Again, Democrats (less two) that they are against American girls and American women. Via Victory Girls Blog.
The House gave women a small win yesterday by passing the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2025 (H.R.28)
A little background on H.R. 28: introduced by Rep. Greg Steube, R-Florida, and cosponsored by U.S. Rep. Harriet Hageman, R-Wyoming, passed on a 218-206 count with one formal abstention and nine members not voting.
The legislation in H.R. 28 establishes definitions for sports participation based on biological sex at birth and prohibits federal funding for schools or athletic programs that allow biological males to compete in female categories. Something soon-to-be-moving-out Joe Biden tried to pull a fast one on with Title IX gender ideology mandates.
As one of the first generations to benefit from Title IX, I want all girls to have the same opportunity to safely participate in athletics. The ideological war on womanhood completely disregards biological facts, putting our daughters in danger on courts, fields and tracks.
The left’s anti-woman agenda is a slap in the face to every female who has trained, sacrificed and excelled in their sport and the generations who fought to give them that opportunity. The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act is a commonsense solution to ensure fairness, safety, and respect for biological realities. Republicans will not back down in this fight to protect our daughters and their futures.”-Harriet Hageman
Can we get an “Amen” in the back of the house? The interesting tidbit to note here is how the MSM frames the headlines. Both NBC and ABC News say the “House passes bill to ban transgender student-athletes from women’s sports”. Read that again. House passes bill to ban transgender student-athletes from women’s sports. Not “House passes bill to ban BIOLOGICAL BOYS/MALE athletes from women’s sports. CBS News states that transgender students are “banned from participating in girls’ sports”. Again, let’s read between the lines: Boys who want to be girls are banned from girls’ sports. There. Fixed it for CBS, too.
The distinction between men and women is clear and evident, and the erasure of this division has been promulgated by those in the radical left who seek to dismantle the core foundation of our society. We must never let our country and the American way of life surrender to this immoral ideology.”-Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla.
I know some lurkers may be reading this and thinking about what a hateful group of women we must be to not support this lunacy. But, a boy, a young man or a grown man with man parts has NO BUSINESS in a woman’s locker room at a school, in a university setting or at the neighborhood gym. A boy/man who says he’s a “girl” has NO BUSINESS taking away a girl’s college scholarship or a State, National or Olympic title. For parents of kids who identify as “trans”, seeing as they make up about 3% of young people, this may involve being an active and supportive parent and looking into other options of co-ed sports. And, if you are a parent who thinks it’s completely okay for your high school (biological boy) -AKA trans “girl” to take a scholarship opportunity or a state title away from a hard-working, young woman and you cannot find the stones to explain how this is unfair on so many levels to YOUR child that YOU gave birth to with your feminine biological makeup, YOU are part of the problem.
C’mon. Heya, Mike? Are you okay? And, excuse me, GOP “bigots”? You know who voted against this legislation in the House? Henry Cuellar and Vincente Gonzalez-both Democrats from Texas! Both MEN! But, the left will continue to be delusional. Manhattan Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), says this is a “cruel attack” on children and may lead to young girls to be subject to “genital examination” and, Dear God, if that is not perverted and sick, we don’t know what is. Perverted and sick, according to these yutzes, is certainly not a biological boy/man who thinks he’s a “girl” strolling around the locker room with his ball sack hanging out. Girl athletes who do not want to see this in their locker rooms and showers are now “bigots” in favor of “sick and twisted genital inspection”. Their families who rally behind them and don’t want them experiencing this lunacy in their showers, locker rooms and, at their sporting events are also “bigots”. Why? Because these Democrat MEN say so.
Again via Victory Girl Blog.
And there are how many women Dems in the House?
Notice how none of them will protect women for being abused in any way shape or form! Everything these Democrats say is grandstanding! Most likely every one of them are sick twisted mofos!
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