Who can be surprised after years/decades of lying to us? So it turns out that trust in the US Media is now at a 50 YEAR LOW! The details are on Gallups page located here.
Americans’ trust in the mass media is at its lowest point in more than five decades.
About two-thirds of Americans in the 1970s trusted the “mass media -- such as newspapers, TV and radio” either “a great deal” or “a fair amount” to “[report] the news fully, accurately and fairly.” By the next measurement in 1997, confidence had fallen to 53%, and it has gradually trended downward since 2003. Americans are now divided into rough thirds, with 31% trusting the media a great deal or a fair amount, 33% saying they do “not [trust it] very much,” and 36%, up from 6% in 1972, saying they have no trust at all in it.
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