Sunday, February 15, 2009


is Investor's Business Daily. IBD publishes Common Sense, hard hitting editorials that are insightful, intelligently written and often humorous. Please add IBD to your Favorites or Bookmarks and tell a friend. A recent sampling:

Why a Commerce Job goes unfilled:
Judd Gregg surprised the Obama administration by withdrawing from his Commerce job offer. But it shouldn't have been a surprise. Commerce itself is being devalued in this administration. That needs to change. Read the rest here.

Mending Fences:
Remember the border fence? The one being built is not the fence authorized by Congress, and its effectiveness is in doubt. As Mexico implodes, a proper fence is infrastructure we really need. Read the rest here.

Diplomacy by itself won't work with Iran:
Throughout his presidency, George W. Bush said the U.S. "would not tolerate" a nuclear-weapons-capable Iran. That he kept his promise was more a matter of timing than of policy. President Barack Obama will not be so lucky. Read the rest here.

Stemming the tide of AIDS:
A patient who was treated with adult stem cells appears to now be free of the HIV virus and the need for a lifetime of drugs. And there was no need for the destruction of human embryos. Read the rest here.

Taxing the truth:
President Obama, a smart man, says that tax cuts for the wealthy are the main reason we're now in such economic trouble. Someone needs to tell him how utterly — and dangerously — wrong that is. Read the rest here.


Pamela Zydel said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I've linked you.

Brooke said...

Great list. I'm off to read!