Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Man vs. 'Delta Smelt fish' - Fish Wins!

As amazing as it seems we have gotten to a place where the ridiculous is now statue. Thanks to a court ruling the irrigation pipes in Central California, some of the richest farmland in the world, have been turned off. This is because of a court ruling that placed the Delta Smelt, a tiny 2-inch fish that looks like a minnow, onto the Endangered Species Act. Amazingly they are pumping water straight into the Pacific Ocean instead of to citrus, almond and to other vital cropland causing the loss of thousands of jobs. Congressional Representative said recently on the House Floor:
REP. DEVIN NUNES (R-CALIF.): You're spending $1 trillion and you will not put in one provision that would create — save 80,000 jobs. This is an insult to my constituency. What we have today is a man made brought on by laws, passed by Congress, to where we're starting the breadbasket of the world and starving it of water to save little fish, which is outrageous.
Amazingly House leadership refused to allow a vote that would mandate the pumps be turned back on to irrigate the fields. Representative Nunes says that as many as 80,000 jobs could be lost due to this ridiculous idea. Read all about here. and here. How would you feel if farming was your livelihood and you were forced to watch as water flowed by your farm, never to be used by humans, all to protect a 2 inch fish?


christian soldier said...

Where were our government servants when the water was turned off-last year? I read a report on it on one of the blogs...

Anonymous said...

California has more representatives in Congress than any other state by far. We should be able to get any legislation passed that is favorable to the citizens of our State. How can California Congressional delegates stand by and do nothing while the hard-working people of the San Joachin Valley suffer because of the idiotic court decision to dirert irrigation water out of the Valley. This is unbelievable.