Tuesday, May 12, 2009

10 Minute Ticker:

The titanic struggle of our time:
Obama Administration vs. Cheerios cereal

What April tax receipts?
US posts first April tax DEFICIT since 1983.

Crap sandwich update:
Woman dead 40 years gets Federal stimulus check

Single payer insurance reality:
VIDEO - Are the elderly cost effective to insure

Pretty Lady:
Miss California Carrie Prejean gave an emotional defense of her defense of traditional marriage

Hat Tip Gateway Pundit

Listen here to Carrie Prejean defending her faith during this week's Focus on the family interview with James Dobson


Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

I saw that press conference this morning with Miss Prejean and I must say she is an impressive young woman. God bless her for standing behind her convictions and not backing down.

a red voice said...

Good for Prejean for standing up for her beliefs and for standing strong against all the left wing garbage that was thrown at her.