Monday, May 11, 2009

Who gives - who takes?

The COMMON CENTS author was in a room to donate blood today. Scanning the room I did a quick demographic check: the people in the room were overwhelmingly white, predominantly male and overwhelmingly older. There were no minorities giving blood there. The place I work is extremely diverse - I estimate at least 40% minority and 50% female. Now I know it was a small sample that I observed but I have noticed this in the past when I give blood. I have been giving blood for nearly 30 years and I've fount that usually it is older, white people who are getting stuck. People I would characterize as "Conservative". Is this just coincidence? I did some research and the results may, or may not surprise you.

People who identify themselves as conservatives donate money to charity more often than people who identify themselves as liberals. They donate more money and a higher percentage of their incomes.

It is not that conservatives have more money. Liberal families average 6 percent higher incomes than conservative families.

So is the fact that most of the states that voted for John Kerry during the 2004 election donated a lower percentage of their incomes to charity than the states that voted for President Bush.

Conservatives not only donate more money to charity than liberals do, conservatives volunteer more time as well. More conservatives than liberals also donate blood. "If liberals and moderates gave blood at the same rate as conservatives, the blood supply of the United States would jump about 45 percent."

You can read the article here

Another great article on conservative vs. liberals generosity is here.
Liberals like to be known as generous and giving but the facts are otherwise. Sarah Palin and her husband Todd just trounced Senator Biden's family in terms of their charity giving. Consider:
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin made considerably less money than rival Sen. Joe Biden, but the Palin family gave more to charity in the last two years than Biden has in the last eight combined, according to Palin's tax records released Friday afternoon.

Palin, the running mate of presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), and her husband Todd reported meager earnings from 2006 and 2007, at least by presidential-politics standards.

In 2006, the Palins paid $11,944 in taxes on $127,869 in income. In 2007, they paid $24,738 on $166,080.

But in 2006, they donated $4,880 to charity, and in 2007, they donated $3,325.

By contrast, Biden (D-Del.), Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's running mate, has donated a total of $3,690 since 1998 despite his higher Senate salary, according to an analysis posted by National Review. Read about it here.


Van Helsing said...

Conservatives believe in charity. Liberals believe in coercive wealth transfers, and in calling anyone who puts up resistance "selfish."

Thistle Cove Farm said...

It seems to me conservatives quietly go about their business of living, doing those things that help make smoother paths and better living for themselves and others. Liberals talk about it, a lot, scream about it actually -smile- but they tend to talk the talk, not walk the walk.
Of course, I know many liberals, or at least registered Democrats, who walk the walk but, nationally and politically, it seems to be true their talk is talk only.

Brooke said...

Liberals think taxes are charity, and Obama's cabinet wouldn't even pay those until forced to.

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

This was observed some time ago:

Conservatives are more inclined to giving and donating;

Conservatives are generally happier.


Ron Russell said...

Now that is common senses and you will be called racist for make such remarks. I use to work for Wal Distribution a few years back in Florida and we had about 1000 employees on my schedule, about 20% of color. And when the blood mobile would come there were never any blacks giving blood. I don't know the reason, could maybe be they are just more afraid of the needle. I did however, seen many N.Y. transplants, who I know were liberal from my talks in the office with them, in the blood line. Can one draw some conclusion--I doubt it. I did notice one thing from my talks with the liberal during the Florida recount in 2000, they do seem to have a herd mentality. I would often pose a question to those who came to my desk to have me solve some problem and the question went like this, "would you rather been a deer in the middle of a large herd or a mountain lion circleing for the kill and invaribably the liberal ex-New Yorkers would say deer, while the old Florida natives would say mountain lion." This is not joke, it actually happened.

Like your site and adding it to my blogroll at TOTUS.