Monday, July 13, 2009

How to double the unemployment rate in two short years

Easy. Elect a Democratic controlled Congress. In January 2007 the Democratic Party took control of both houses of the US Congress. Previously, the Republican Party controlled Congress for 12 years. When the Democrats took control of Congress the unemployment rate was 4.6%. Last month, less than 2 1/2 years later it is 9.5% and rising. See chart below. The GOP years are in red and the Democratic years are in blue. The current rate of 9.5% is a 26 year high!


Without question, this is the worst Congressional record in recent memory. In that short time over 6 million private sector jobs have been lost another record for incompetence. Most economists predicate the unemployment rate will easily top 10% in the following months! This Democratic regime has literally declared war on the US economy destroying millions of lives in the process. Want more? Democrats have plans to increase unemployment ever more, especially among minorities and teens. Actions have consequences - we are now reaping the consequences of electing a Democratic majority in Congress.

At least Wal Mart is still hiring!


Bitmap said...

They were largely elected by people who don't create jobs or wealth.

The people that create jobs and wealth and people who invest in the stock market have been afraid to do those things because they fear changes in tax laws and regulations.

Congress helps the economy by staying out of the way. Congress hurts the economy by threatening to "do something".

Anonymous said...

Great graph indicating not only the spiraling rate but the demise the dems are forcing upon the USA.

Anonymous said...

at least we will have national medicare if obama's plan goes through...i guess were going to need it, being that we will all be unemployed

Obama's Plan