Monday, August 24, 2009

Hopeandchange Updates:

Pocket Change:
New budget numbers show National Debt growing to $9 Trillion Dollars

$75 a barrel:
Oil now trading at a 10 month high

Is this a Health Care "Reform" preview?
Vets Hospital mistakenly tells 1,200 Vets they have Lou Gehrig's disease

Two is better!
Get ready for the Double Dip Recession!

Gateway Pundit:
Growth in Pres Obama debt higher than previous 230 years of debt!

Why Not?
Africa wants $67 Billion in "Global Warming Funds"

Rasmussen Reports Poll:
New low in the Presidential Approval Index (-14%)


Harrison said...

Interesting how oil prices continue to rise and where are all the comments about those nasty oil companies and how the oil guys in DC are responsible? Funny that these issues have not been raised. Seems like it would be more germaine now because the US economy is still in the crapper but yet prices rise.

Unknown said...

got your message on I have posted your blog in my faves list on the right, please return the favor.

Keep up the great work.

Mr Bob