Rush Limbaug: MSNBC is back at it. We have to temporarily set aside our ban today. MSNBC, NBC, Andrea Mitchell, NBC News Washington, they've doctored another tape. And this time everybody caught 'em. Everybody in the Drive-Bys pointed it out. We'll go back and play the audio for you. They doctored the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin 911 phone call tape to make it appear that Zimmerman was a raging racist, when he wasn't. Now, what they've done, they took a Romney address where he was talking about... well, remember when George H.W. Bush was in the grocery store, saw a supermarket scanner and the press said, "This guy doesn't know what a supermarket scanner is. This guy's so out of touch, doesn't know what a supermarket scanner is 'cause he never goes there." We found out that they totally misrepresented what had happened.
Well, in this case involving Romney, the video of Romney enthusiastically describing a sandwich-ordering machine at the Pennsylvania convenience store Wawa, and they edited out the point that he was making about it and made it look like he'd never seen one before and didn't know what it was. It was blatant, and they got caught. The worst thing that can happen to you, folks, is ridicule. And everybody is now ridiculing MSNBC. I mean, Politico tried at first to go along with the MSNBC version and then they quickly sized up what had happened and wanted no part of it. The Atlantic, Politico, everybody else in the Drive-By Media just distanced themselves from MSNBC. We have the tape coming up to show you what happened.
RUSH: Okay. Let's move on to MSNBC, the laughingstock of the news business. Not just cable news. They are the laughingstock everywhere. "Discussing how the public sector suffers from a lack of competition, Romney told the audience about an optometrist who wanted to change his address and subsequently received 33 pages of paperwork from the federal government, which begat a months'-long bureaucratic nightmare during which the optometrist in question wasn't receiving his checks.
"'That's how government works,' Romney said. Then, to illustrate the advantages of competition in the private sector, Romney shared an anecdote from his visit to the local Wawa chain store. 'I was at Wawa's, I went in to order a sandwich. You press a little touchtone keypad -- you touch this, touch this, go pay the cashier -- there’s your sandwich. It’s amazing. People in the private sector have learned how to compete. It's time to bring some competition to the federal government.'
"But in the MSNBC clip, which first aired on Andrea Mitchell Reports, Romney's remarks begin with the Wawa anecdote and end at 'It's amazing,'" as though he's never seen it before. But somebody was there with a telephone, a cell phone, and they were video recording the whole thing. And so the Drive-By can't get away with these edits. This really is nothing new. Them getting caught at it is what's new. Because everybody's a journalist.
And they can't stand it.
Let's go to the audio sound bites. Here's the report as aired by Andrea Mitchell, NBC News Washington.
MITCHELL: Maybe this was Mitt Romney's, uh, supermarket scanner moment, but I get the feeling -- take a look at this -- that Mitt Romney has not been in too many Wawas (snickers) along the roadside in Pennsylvania.
ROMNEY: By the way, where do you get your hoagies here? Do you get them at Wawa's? Is that where you get 'em? Well, I went to a place today called Wawa's. You ever been to Wawa's? Anybody been there?
AUDIENCE: (cheers and muttering)
ROMNEY: Some people don't...? I'm sorry. I know it's a very big state divide. But we went to Wawa's. [MSNBC edit] I was at Wawa's. I went in to order a sandwich. You press the little touch-tone keypad, all right? You just touch that, and, you know, the sandwich comes. You touch this, touch this, touch this; go pay the cashier. There's your sandwich. It's amazing.
MSNBC: (guffawing)
RUSH: "It's amazing. It's amazing." And they all started laughing at MSNBC. Here's what Romney actually said.
ROMNEY: By the way, where do you get your hoagies here? Do you get them at Wawa's? Is that where you get 'em? Well, I went to a place today called Wawa's. You ever been to Wawa's? Anybody been there?
AUDIENCE: (cheers and muttering)
ROMNEY: Some people don't...? I'm sorry. I know it's a very big state divide. But we went to Wawa's. And it was instructive to me, because I saw the difference between the private sector and the governmental sector. Look, the people who work in government are good people, and I respect what they do. But, you see, the challenge with government is it doesn't have competition.
RUSH: And he continued...
ROMNEY: Then I was at Wawa's. I went in to order a sandwich. You press the little touch-tone keypad, all right? You just touch that, and, you know, the sandwich comes. You touch this, touch this, touch this; go pay the cashier. There's your sandwich. It's amazing. People in the private sector have learned how to compete. It's time to bring some competition to the federal government so it can begin to --
AUDIENCE: (applause and cheers)
ROMNEY: -- respond to customers, which are you!
AUDIENCE: (applause and cheers)
RUSH: MSNBC got caught. They got caught. And in the process, by the way, everybody's repeating the lie about George H. W. Bush's scanner incident. In reality, Bush was at grocers convention. He was being shown a new type of scanner that could weigh groceries and read mangled and torn bar codes. It was new and amazing for the times, and it was not yet widespread commercially. But in this case, while they continue to spread the lie about George H. W. Bush, this is exactly what NBC fired three people for doing in the Trayvon Martin case.
Now, somebody needs to ask some serious questions.
You at NBC are becoming a laughingstock.
the MSM (main stream media) -this is what I think of them-from an up-date on my post on Dressage and Ann Romney-
"Dressage is one of the most difficult "sports" to learn - remember - you are involved with a partner (horse) who is probably more intelligent than the typical MSM "person".
Thank God for the blogs!
Well, Well, The wife of Alan Greenspan pulling She-nan-i-gans ? It just can't be true.....She is one of a handful of Jewish Females that indeed to not speak well for Judaism.
The wife of Alan Greenspan would do this? Yep Andre proves to be a douche.
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