Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Romney stands by his "controversial" remarks. (Transcript)

Mitt Romney is standing by his "controversial" remarks about the 47% of Americans dependent on Government.  Here is a partial transcript - what do you think?

Here is the transcript:
Of course, there’s a very different approach of the two campaigns. As I point out that among those that pay no tax, approximately 47% of Americans, I’m not likely to be highly successful with a message of lowering taxes. That’s not as attractive to those who don’t pay income taxes as to those who do. And likewise, those who are reliant on government are not as attracted to my message of slimming down the size of government…
The president and I have two very different approaches to the future of America and what it takes to ignite our economy and put people back to work. The president believes in what I describe as a government centered society. Where government plays a larger and larger role and plays more and more of the needs of individuals. And, I happen to believe instead in a free enterprise, free individual society where people pursuing their dreams are able to employ one another, build enterprises, build the strongest economy in the world. I happen to believe that my approach is the approach that will put 23 million people back to work again.
We’ve watched the approach of the president’s approach over the last 3 1/2 or 4 years. And his government centric, larger and larger government approach has meant that we have 15 million more people on food stamps, 23 million people out of work or stopped looking for work, or underemployed. We have had 43 straight months of unemployment above 8%. And my view is the right approach for the nation is not to adopt a government centered approach but instead a free, free people, free enterprise, free market consumer driven approach and that will build the strongest economy for ourselves and for the coming generations.”


lady di said...

Romney's comments were correct, what's the problem? He is not going to change any minds and he is not going to get the Obama crowd to vote for him anyway!

HermitJim said...

The numbers sound a little high to me, but what do I know?

Numbers, polls, and stats can be made to read however you want them to, but I do know we have way too many folks out of work and the end doesn't seem very close!

I really can't see how another 4 years of the same "leadership" will help us!